The Legend of Starcrash

The Legend of Starcrash


:NT$ 490 元
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Welcome to the incredibly beautiful and intriguing world of the Tarot.The purpose of this book, Rebirth of the Oracle - The Tarot for the Modern World, is to simplify and demystify this ancient oracle and to make it accessible to anyone who would like to read the cards.The meanings given to the cards in this book are drawn from the experiences of thousands of readings. They are also written with an eye toward updating the Tarot, bringing this ancient oracle into the 21st century. You will see meanings displayed for the cards that were not heard of, or even dreamed of, in the early centuries of the Tarot. These include everything from media exposure to abortion to identity theft.


Justine Alessi is a Master Tarot Reader and Teacher of the Tarot who brings over a decade of practical experience to the table. She has read the cards for people from almost every state in the Union, and word-of-mouth has people seeking her out for her wisdom and accuracy. Justine's uncanny accuracy makes believers out of the skeptical, and those who are initially the most hesitant are usually the first to try to acquire more of her time and talents. A former librarian, her interest in the Tarot was sparked by the parade of Tarot books published in the late 1980's. Feeling there was an inadequacy in the description of the cards, she began to compile her observations from years of readings. Justine is o stranger to writing, having penned many articles on the metaphysical and writing a newspaper column. Justine resides in Northeast Ohio with her husband, Robert and is the mother of two grown children. This is Justine's first book, though she is presently developin!g several more books regarding the Tarot, positive affirmation techniques and other metaphysical topics.M. E. (Betsy) McMillan brings life to the personalities in "Rebirth of the Oracle" by drawing on 20 years of creative writing experience. Ever prolific, Betsy works as a biomedical writer by day and spends her evenings and weekends (and sometimes her lunch hours) working on other creative writing projects. She is the author of two other books currently in print and does free-lance contract writing encompassing everything from bioscience to advertising copy. She is an active member of the National Writer's Union, and has appeared as a guest on several radio talk shows in Cleveland, Virginia, Texas, Michigan and Florida. Betsy resides in Northeast Ohio with her husband Jim and is the mother of two grown children. Presently she has several novels and non-fiction manuscripts in various stages of completion.







定價:100 490



