


:NT$ 399 元


面對外國人,永遠只能講How are you嗎?
如果對方沒有回答I’m fine, thank you,






1. 內容超詳盡:食衣住行育樂,各大情境全包!

2. 分級學習超有效:依照自己的程度來學習,效率加倍!

3. 設計超貼心:心情不同,回答的方式也不同!

4. 情境超實際:現實沒有你想的這麼簡單!同一件事,教你多種不同的變化說法!

5. 練會話同時增進聽力超省時:外師親錄全書百變英文話題MP3,邊聽邊學好快就上手!



蔡文宜(Wenny Tsai)


■ 著作:
《一定會寫的英文 E - mail》
■ 最新著作:


Part 1 簡單的問題 這樣答不漏氣

1. How old are you? 你今年貴庚?
2. Where do you work?/What do you do? 你在哪兒高就?
3. Where is your office/school? 你公司/學校在哪裡?
4. Where do you live? 你住在哪兒?
5. Do you live with your parents? 你跟父母親住在一起嗎?
6. How many brothers and sisters do you have? 你有幾個兄弟姐妹?
7. Where are you in the birth order? 你在家排行老幾?
8. What’s your star sign? 你是什麼星座?
9. What’s your animal sign? 你屬什麼生肖?
10. What’s your religion? 你的宗教信仰是什麼?
11. Are you close to your parents? 你跟父母親近嗎?
12. Do you have any children? 你有小孩嗎?
13. Are you an evening person? 你是個夜貓子嗎?
14. Are you a shy or an outgoing person? 你是個內向還是活潑的人?
15. Do you have a hobby? 你有什麼嗜好嗎?
16. What time are you free? / What time is convenient? 你幾點有空?
17. How tall are you? 你身高多高?
18. What time is it? 現在幾點了?
19. What date is today? 今天幾月幾號?
20. When were you born? 你何時出生的?
21. Where are you from? 你是哪裡人?
22. What time do you usually come off work? 你通常幾點下班?
23. What do you usually do after work? 你下班後都做些什麼?
24. Where have you been? 你剛到哪兒去了?
25. How have you been? 你最近好嗎?

Part 2 寒暄、抬槓就「英」這麼說

1. Any good restaurants near here? 這附近有什麼好餐廳嗎?
2. What choices do we have if we want to order takeout? 如果我們要叫外賣有什麼選擇?
3. What kind of breakfast do you prefer? 你喜歡吃什麼樣的早餐?
4. How much time do you get for lunch? 你有多少時間可以吃午餐?
5. Any plans for dinner? 晚餐打算吃什麼?
6. How often do you eat out? 你多久在外頭吃飯一次?
7. Who fixes the meals in your house? 你家誰負責做飯?
8. How often do you have meals with your family? 你多常跟家人一起吃飯?
9. Would you choose to be a vegetarian? 你會選擇吃素嗎?
10. Do you have a habit of having late night snacks? 你有吃宵夜的習慣嗎?
11. Do you drink alcohol? 你喝酒嗎?
12. Do you smoke, or do you mind people smoking around you? 你抽煙,或介意別人在你旁邊抽煙嗎?

1. What’s your dressing style? 你的穿衣風格是什麼?
2. What do you usually wear to work? 你平常都穿什麼上班?
3. What do you wear at home? 你在家都怎麼穿?
4. What does your wardrobe look like? 你的衣櫃是什麼樣子?
5. How often do you buy clothes for yourself? 你多久為自己治裝一次?
6. What do you do with your old clothes? 你都怎麼處理舊衣服?
7. Do you like wearing uniforms? 你喜歡穿制服嗎?
8. Who does the laundry in your house? 你家誰負責洗衣服?
9. What is your shoe size? 你穿幾號鞋?
10. What size of clothes do you wear? 你穿幾號的衣服?
11. Do you wear make-up/perfume/jewelry? 你平常會化妝/擦香水/戴首飾嗎?
12. Do you mind sharing your clothes/accessories/shoes with others? 你介意別人穿你的衣服/首飾配件/鞋子嗎?

1. Are you getting along with your roommates? 你跟室友處得來嗎?
2. What’s the rent for your apartment per month? 你租的地方一個月租金多少?
3. What time is your curfew? 你的門禁是幾點?
4. What are you considerations while looking for an apartment? 你找房子的考慮因素有哪些?
5. What is your budget for housing? 你房租的預算是多少?
6. How’s the public security in your neighborhood? 你住的地方治安怎麼樣?
7. How do you like the environment around your place? 你喜歡你住處附近的環境嗎?
8. How long have you been living in this neighborhood? 你住在這一區多久了?
9. How are you getting along with your neighbors? 你跟鄰居處得怎麼樣?
10. How often do you clean up your place? 你多久打掃住處一次?
11. How do you like the place you’re living now? 你喜歡你現在住的地方嗎?
12. Do you prefer living with your parents or by yourself? 你喜歡自己住還是跟爸媽住?

1. How did you get here? 你怎麼來的?
2. How do I go there? 我要怎麼去那兒?/How do you want to go there? 你要怎麼去那裡?
3. What kind of gas does the car use? 你的車加什麼油?
4. How often does the bus come? 公車多久來一班?
5. Would you give seats to pregnant women or the elderly on the MRT? 你在捷運上會讓座給孕婦或老人嗎?
6. Where do I get the subway ticket? 我要在哪兒買地鐵車票?
7. How do I recharge my prepaid MRT ticket? 我要怎麼幫預付票卡儲值?
8. Where is the nearest subway station? 最近的地鐵站在哪兒?
9. What time is the last HSR train? 最後一班高鐵是幾點?
10. Do you drive? 你開車嗎?
11. When did you get your driver’s license? 你什麼時候拿到駕照的?
12. How’s the traffic convenience in your city? 你住的城市交通便利性如何?

1. Where do you go to school? 你在哪兒就讀?
2. What’s your major? 你主修什麼?
3. How many courses are you taking this semester? 你這學期修幾堂課?
4. What’s your easiest subject? 你最拿手的科目是什麼?
5. What’s your least favorite subject? 你最不喜歡的科目是什麼?
6. How many hours do you study a day? 你一天讀書幾個小時?
7. Have you ever skipped classes? 你翹課過嗎?
8. Have you ever dozed off during class? 你有在上課時打打瞌睡過嗎?
9. Do you belong to a club? 你有參加社團嗎?
10. How did you do on your test? 你考得怎樣?
11. Do you have a part-time job? 你有在打工嗎?
12. What do you do with the allowance your parents give you? 你都怎麼使用爸媽給的零用錢?

1. What are you going to do tonight? 你今晚要幹嘛?
2. How do you usually spend your weekend? 你都怎麼度過週末?
3. Do you always plan for your vacation? 你都會為假期作計劃嗎?
4. How often do you go abroad? 你多久出國一次?
5. Do you like to travel in groups or by yourself? 你喜歡團體旅行或是自己旅行?
6. What do you do to kill time? 你都做什麼來打發時間?
7. What kind of sports do you do? 你都做什麼運動?
8. What do you do to stay fit? 你都做什麼來保持身材?
9. What kind of movies do you like? 你喜歡什麼樣的電影?
10. What do you usually read? 你平常都讀些什麼?
11. How do you celebrate your birthday? 你都怎麼慶祝生日?
12. Are you a partygoer? 你是社交聚會常客嗎?

1. What’s your favorite time of day? 一天中你最喜歡什麼時候?
2. What’s your favorite quote? 你最喜歡的引言是什麼?
3. What is your motto? 你的座右銘是什麼?
4. Do you have an idol? 你有崇拜的偶像嗎?
5. Do you keep a diary? 你寫日記嗎?
6. How do you make use of your money? 你怎麼用錢?
7. What is a habit you think you should get rid of? 你認為你應該改掉的習慣是什麼?
8. What would you do if you won the lottery? 中了樂透你會做什麼?
9. Would you have plastic surgery done on your body? 你會想整型嗎?

Part 3 重要場合的進對應退 這樣說最得體

(1) What’s your purpose of this visit? 這次來的目的是什麼?
(2) How long is your visit this time? 這次來要待多久?
(3) Where are you going to stay during your visit? 這次來這兒的期間要住哪裡?
(4) Are you planning to visit other countries in Europe? 你有計劃到其他歐洲國家去嗎?
(5) What’s your transportation while in the United States? 在美期間的交通工具是什麼?
(6) Is anyone coming to meet you at the airport? 有人會來機場接你嗎?

(1) Tell me briefly about yourself. 請簡單自我介紹一下。
(2) Why do you want to apply for this position? 你為何想要應徵這個職務?
(3) Why did you leave your last job? 你離開上一份工作的理由是什麼?
(4) What’s your strength? 你的優點是什麼?
(5) What’s your weakness? 你的缺點是什麼?
(6) What is your ability to work under pressure? 你能在有壓力的情況下工作嗎?
(7) Are you willing to work overtime? 你願意加班嗎?
(8) What are you looking for in a job? 你希望能從工作中得到什麼?
(9) What kind of salary do you need? 你希望的薪資待遇為何?
(10) Why should we hire you? 我們僱用你的理由是什麼?
(11) Do you have any questions for me? 你有什麼問題要問我嗎?

(1) What’s wrong with you? 你哪裡不舒服?
(2) Did you eat anything peculiar? 你有吃什麼奇怪的東西嗎?
(3) Have you been staying up lately? 你最近有熬夜嗎?
(4) When did you start coughing? 你什麼時候開始咳嗽的?
(5) Since when have you been feeling depressed? 你從什麼時候開始感到憂鬱的?
(6) Are you allergic to any food/medicine? 你有對任何食物/藥物過敏嗎?
(7) How many hours do you sleep per day? 你一天睡幾小時?
(8) Does any of your family have a chronic disease? 你家有任何人有慢性病嗎?

(1) Why are you interested in our college? 你為什麼對我們學校有興趣?
(2) Who has most influenced you in your life? 人生中對你影響最大的人是誰?
(3) Tell me about a book that you read. 說說你讀過的一本書。
(4) Tell me about a challenge that you overcame. 談談你克服過的困難。
(5) What do you see yourself doing ten years from now? 十年後的你會是什麼樣子?
(6) What do you hope to do after graduation? 你畢業後希望做什麼?
(7) Why do you want to go to graduate school? 你為什麼想念研究所?
(8) Tell me about a most important experience you had in high school. 說說你高中時最重要的經歷。

(1) Where is the car coming from? 這輛車哪來的?
(2) What is the condition of the car? 這輛車狀況如何?
(3) Why is the car on sale? 這輛車為什麼要賣?
(4) How many miles are on the odometer? 里程計上的哩數是多少?
(5) What are you willing to sell the car for? 你這輛車要賣多少?

(1) How would you like your haircut? 你頭髮想要怎麼剪?
(2) What would you like to do with your hair this time? 你這次頭髮想要怎麼弄?
(3) Have you grown your hair long? 你留過長頭髮嗎?
(4) Have you ever had a salon facial? 你到沙龍作過臉嗎?
(5) What’s your skin type? 你是什麼膚質?
(6) What type of hair do you have? 你是什麼髮質?


【Part 1】簡單的問題,這樣答不漏氣!

What do you do? 你從事什麼工作?
一句話結束話題:I’m between jobs. 我正在待業中。

I am a teacher. More precisely, I am lecturer who teaches Modern History of Taiwan in a university. Actually, I am working on my doctorial dissertation, and hopefully will be an associate professor by this time next year.

片語:by this time next year 明年此時
單字:lecturer 講師 associate professor 副教授
好用生活句型:I’m working on … 我正在做…

Well, I used to be a book editor in a textbook publisher, but I have been working from home as a freelance writer since I resigned two years ago. Now I do translating and write articles for publishers. In addition, I also do proofreading. Here is my SOHO business card.
片語:work from home 在家工作
單字:editor 編輯 freelance 自由作家
好用生活句型:I used to be … 我曾經是個…

1. 遇到他人詢問自己的職業工作時,簡單並直接地答以工作稱謂,如I’m a physician. (我是個醫師。)
2. 但是工作稱謂並無法完整說明工作內容,例如是哪一方面的醫師呢?因此可以接着說明細節方面的工作內容,如I’m an eye doctor. (我是個眼科醫師。)

1. What do you do for a living? 你從事哪一行?
2. What’s your job? 你的工作是什麼?
3. May I know what you do for a living? 我可以知道你從事哪一行嗎?

1. I’m a traffic police/ traffic cop. 我是個交通警察。
2. I’m a full-time housewife. 我是個全職的家庭主婦。
3. I’m a housewife, but I have a part-time job in a Japanese restaurant. 我是個家庭主婦,但我有在一間日本料理店兼差。
4. I am a college student but I work part-time at a gas station. 我是個大學生,但我在一間加油站打工。
5. I work for the national government. 我在公家機關上班。
6. I am a life insurance manager for Taiwan Insurance Institute. 我是台灣人壽的壽險經理人。

1. I worked for the city government, but I retired last month. 我過去在市政府上班,但我上個月退休了。
2. I used to be a bank clerk but I resigned last month. Now I am seeking for employment. 我曾是個銀行員,但我上個月辭職了。目前我正在求職中。
3. I am in the Army/Navy/Air Force/Marines at present. 我現在在陸軍/海軍/空軍/海軍陸戰隊服兵役。
4. I just started my SOHO business. Here is my business card. 我剛開始我的個人工作室。這是我的名片。
5. I own a coffee shop in the downtown area. 我在市區開一家咖啡店。
6. I used to work in a beauty parlor as a hairdresser, but not anymore. 我曾經在美容院做美髮師,但現在沒做了。


(1) Tell me briefly about yourself. 請簡單自我介紹一下。
I’m Laura Chen from Taiwan. Just graduated from National Taiwan University. 我是來自台灣的陳蘿菈,剛從台灣大學畢業。

1. Please introduce yourself. 請自我介紹一下。
2. Would you tell me about yourself? 可以介紹一下你自己嗎?

1. My name is Sandy Smith. I am from Canada. I am new to town and looking for new career opportunities. 我叫珊蒂史密斯,來自加拿大。我剛搬到這裡,並正在尋找新的工作機會。
2. I graduated from St. Mary College in 2012, and I have a bachelor degree in Science. 我在2012年從聖瑪莉學院畢業,擁有自然科學的大學學位。
3. I went to art school in United State, my major was art management and I have been working in that field for 10 years. 我上過美國的藝術學校,主修藝術管理並在相關領域工作十年。
4. I am Greg. I am 35 years old with 5 years of experience in Sports wear design. 我叫葛瑞格,今年三十五歲,擁有五年的運動服裝設計經驗。
5. I am a detail-oriented person and I always like to do office administration work. I have got my office administration certification from Sundance community college. 我是個很重視細節的人,而且我很喜歡做辦公室的行政管理工作。我有社區大學的辦公室行政管理檢定證明。
6. I am 28 year old happily married with 2 children. I grew up in Seattle and I went to school in Washington DC. 我廿八歲,已婚,有兩個小孩。我成長於在西雅圖,並在華盛頓唸書。
7. My name is Ray. I am a very easygoing, positive person. I like sports and I do a lot of travelling. 我名叫雷。我是個很隨和積極的人。我喜歡運動而且經常旅行。
8. I was recommended by James Stewart to apply for this position. I always want to work for your organization and very glad that there is a position open. 我受詹姆斯史都華推薦來應徵這份職務。我一直都很想為你們公司工作,很高興有職缺。
9. Sure, I am Julie, and I am a licensed physical therapist. I think I will be a good fit in your medical clinic. 當然。我叫茱莉,是個有執照的物理治療師。我認為我很適合在你們診所工作。
10. I have been a part-time copywriter for 10 years, right now my kids are all grown up, so I decided to look for a permanent position as a copywriter. 我擔任兼職廣告文案有十年的時間了,現在我的孩子都已經長大了,所以我決定找一份固定的廣告文案工作。

(2) Why do you want to apply for this position? 你為何想要應徵這個職務?

I’m interested in it. 我很有興趣。

1. Why are you interested in this position? 你為何對這職務有興趣?
2. Why do you want to work for us? 你為什麼會想要來我們公司上班?


1. I am looking for a more challenging career. 我正在尋找更有挑戰性的工作。
2. Working for your company is my career plan. 為貴公司工作是我的職涯規劃。
3. I will be able to contribute my skills and experience for this position. 我能在這工作上發揮我的技能和經驗。
4. This is my dream job. 這是我理想中的工作。
5. I can learn so much from this position. 我可以從這工作中學到好多東西。
6. This is always something that I want to do. 這一向是我想要做的事情。
7. This job is ideal for my current situation. 這份工作對我目前的情況來說很理想。
8. I have always wanted to be an editor. 我一直以來都很想當一名編輯。
9. I will be a good fit for this department. 我很適合在這個部門工作。
10. Your company has good worker’s benefit package. 貴公司擁有良好的員工福利配套。





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