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■ 72篇主流雜志文章,700核心單詞,2000題型訓練,集中學,集中練,輕松成就閱讀達人!
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使用說明 …………………………………………………………………………………6
Chapter 1 基礎篇
Passage 1 Fall in Love with Afternoon Tea 愛上下午茶 ……………………………9
Passage 2 Vocabulary Size:Lexical Facts 詞匯量:關于詞匯的事實 …………13
Passage 3 A Generation of Junk Food Eaters? 吃垃圾食品成長的一代? ………17
Passage 4 How the Majority of Couples Want a Boy as Their First Child? 為何多數夫妻頭胎想要男孩? ………………………………………………………21
Passage 5 Happiness Is a Choice 幸福是一種選擇 ………………………………25
Passage 6 A Formula for a Successful Life 成功人生的公式 ……………………29
Passage 7 Several Tips for Safe Baby Bathing 寶寶洗澡的幾點安全提示 ………33
Passage 8 Going on Holiday Is Good for Your Health 度假有益健康 …………37
Passage 9 The Influence of Digital Age on Teens 數字時代對青少年的影響 …41
Passage 10 Pets in America 美國寵物 ………………………………………………45
Passage 11 Online Classes Might Revolutionize Colleges 網絡課程可能帶來高校的 徹底改革 …………………………………………………………………49
Passage 12 Story of Wild Cat 野貓的故事 …………………………………………53
Passage 13 Black Friday in America 美國的“黑色星期五” ………………………57
使用說明 …………………………………………………………………………………6
Chapter 1 基礎篇
Passage 1 Fall in Love with Afternoon Tea 愛上下午茶 ……………………………9
Passage 2 Vocabulary Size:Lexical Facts 詞匯量:關于詞匯的事實 …………13
Passage 3 A Generation of Junk Food Eaters? 吃垃圾食品成長的一代? ………17
Passage 4 How the Majority of Couples Want a Boy as Their First Child? 為何多數夫妻頭胎想要男孩? ………………………………………………………21
Passage 5 Happiness Is a Choice 幸福是一種選擇 ………………………………25
Passage 6 A Formula for a Successful Life 成功人生的公式 ……………………29
Passage 7 Several Tips for Safe Baby Bathing 寶寶洗澡的幾點安全提示 ………33
Passage 8 Going on Holiday Is Good for Your Health 度假有益健康 …………37
Passage 9 The Influence of Digital Age on Teens 數字時代對青少年的影響 …41
Passage 10 Pets in America 美國寵物 ………………………………………………45
Passage 11 Online Classes Might Revolutionize Colleges 網絡課程可能帶來高校的 徹底改革 …………………………………………………………………49
Passage 12 Story of Wild Cat 野貓的故事 …………………………………………53
Passage 13 Black Friday in America 美國的“黑色星期五” ………………………57
Passage 14 World Digital Library on the Internet 互聯網上的世界數字圖書館 …61
Passage 15 The 10,000-Hour Rule 一萬小時理論 …………………………………65
Passage 16 As Kids Say It 童言無忌 …………………………………………………69
Passage 17 By the Grapevine 小道消息 ……………………………………………73
Passage 18 Suspended Coffee 待用咖啡 …………………………………………77
Passage 19 The Big Easy and Sin City 大快活城和罪惡之城 ……………………81
Passage 20 Ready to Save? 準備好存錢了嗎? ……………………………………85
Passage 21 A Perfume Inspired by Coffee 咖啡味香水 ……………………………89
Passage 22 Cup Noodles:The Food That Have Conquered the World 碗裝方便 面:征服全世界的食品 …………………………………………………93
Passage 23 Lost in Hawaii, Found in Taiwan 失之夏威夷,得之臺灣島 …………97
Passage 24 3D Printers Arrive in US Store 3D打印機登陸美國商店 ……………101
Chapter 2 提升篇
Passage 1 Working Mothers Warning 對職場媽媽的忠告 ………………………106
Passage 2 Print Newspaper or the Web? 紙質報紙還是網絡? ……………………112
Passage 3 A Childs IQ Can Be Determined by“ How Much Weight It Gains in Its First Month of Life”
Passage 4 Why Extroverts Love a Party and Quiet People Prefer a Night in為什么外向的人喜歡聚會而安靜的人喜歡宅在家 ……………………………124
Passage 5 Is “Organic” Labelled Food Healthier and Tastier? 貼上有機標簽的食品更健康美味嗎? ………………………………………………………130
Passage 6 Eat Three Meals a Day at Work 一日三餐吃在辦公桌上 ……………136
Passage 7 Two Hearts Really Do Beat as One If Youre in Love 兩顆相愛的心真的一起跳動 …………………………………………………………………142
Passage 8 The Cheapest Way to Diet? 最廉價的減肥方式? ………………………148
Passage 9 Balling up Your Right Hand Tightly Helps Memory 緊握右拳有助于記憶………………………………………………………………………………154
Passage 10 Women Make Better Business Decisions Than Men 女性比男性更善 于做商業決策 ……………………………………………………………160
Passage 11 Night Owls Are Linked to High Income Earners 夜貓子收入更高 ………………………………………………………………166
Passage 12 The Odds in a Coin Flip Arent Quite 50/50 拋硬幣的幾率并非 50/50………………………………………………………………………172
Passage 13 Heating Pad or Ice Pack? 熱敷還是冷敷? ……………………………178
Passage 14 IBM Says Computers Will See, Taste, Smell, Touch and Hear Things Better in the Future IBM 預測未來計算機將具備五感 ………………184
Passage 15 6 Ways to Prevent Your Budget from Failing 防止預算失敗的六個妙招………………………………………………………………………………190
Passage 16 You Are What You Wear 衣如其人 ……………………………………197
Passage 17 One in Ten PINs Can Be Correctly Guessed First Time 1/10的密碼猜 一次即可破解 ……………………………………………………………203
Passage 18 Bilinguals Have Faster Brains When They Get Older 雙語者年老后大 腦反應速度更快 …………………………………………………………210
Passage 19 The Psychology of Discounting 打折心理學 …………………………216
Passage 20 Love, Korean-style 韓式愛情 …………………………………………222
Passage 21 Google Glass Raises Privacy Concerns 谷歌眼鏡引發隱私擔憂 ……228
Passage 22 More Young Adults Live with Parents 越來越多的年輕人與父母同住………………………………………………………………………………234
Passage 23 Slow Travel, Cheap Travel 慢游加窮游 ………………………………240
Passage 24 Does Listening to Music While Working Make You Less Productive? 邊聽音樂邊工作會影響工作效率嗎? …………………………………246
Chapter 3 實踐篇
Passage 1 Rise in Childhood Obesity Is Slowing Worldwide 全球兒童肥胖癥增速趨緩 ………………………………………………………………………253
Passage 2 Mini-Bibliography for Audrey Hepburn 奧黛麗·赫本小傳 ……………262
Passage 3 Wedding of Modern Brides 現代新娘的婚禮 …………………………270
Passage 4 A Word for Autumn 秋日小語 …………………………………………279
Passage 5 Romance of Paris Fades for Chinese Tourists Targeted by Thieves 中國游客成小偷目標,巴黎浪漫黯然失色 ……………………………288
Passage 6 In China, Losing Sleep over Choice of Schools 中國:擇校令人徹夜難眠………………………………………………………………………………297
Passage 7 Stray Birds 飛鳥集 ………………………………………………………307
Passage 8 Sorry, But Do You Speak English? 對不起,你說的是英語嗎? ……315
Passage 9 Fit-lifters in Bricks-and-mortar Shops 實體店里的試衣族 …………324
Passage 10 Choice Blindness 選擇的盲目性 ………………………………………332
Passage 11 Home vs. Office: Where Should You Work? 工作場所之爭:回家還是 坐班? ………………………………………………………………………341
Passage 12 Things 20-Year-Olds Dont Get 20來歲的年輕人還沒明白的事 ……350
Passage 13 Why You Should Read Every Day? 為何要每日讀書? ………………359
Passage 14 Rubber-band Creates Millionaire 橡皮筋造就百萬富翁 ………………369
Passage 15 Do We Still Need the Telephone? 我們還需要電話嗎? ………………378
Passage 16 Is It Better to Rent or to Buy? 買房劃算還是租房劃算? ……………387
Passage 17 Smartphones in China:Taking a Bite out of Apple 咬了蘋果一口的中國智能手機 …………………………………………………………………396
Passage 18 Why Is Starbucks So Expensive in China? 星巴克咖啡在中國為何如此昂貴? ……………………………………………………………………405
Passage 19 A Two-Wheel Tour Through Big Apple 大蘋果騎行記 ………………414
Passage 20 Why Pay for a Degree to Learn a Foreign Language? 為外語學位教育 花錢值得嗎? ……………………………………………………………423
Passage 21 Young Chinese Shunning Factory Jobs 中國的年輕人不愿在工廠工作………………………………………………………………………………432
Passage 22 Speech at the Graveside of Karl Marx 在馬克思墓前的講話 ………441
Passage 23 Mother 母親 ………………………………………………………………450
Passage 24 America Unconquerable 北美是不可征服的 …………………………459
附 錄 文章中文翻譯 ……………………………………………………………467


passage 1 愛上下午茶
Step 1 閱讀行不行
Fall in Love with Afternoon Tea
Afternoon tea, that most essence of English custom is, perhaps surprisingly, a relatively new tradition. It was not until the mid 19th century that the concept of “afternoon tea” first appeared.
Afternoon tea was introduced to England by Anna, the seventh Duchess1 of Bedford, in the year of 1840. The Duchess would become hungry around four oclock in the afternoon. The evening meal in her household was served fashionably2 late at eight oclock, thus leaving a long period of time between lunch and dinner. The Duchess asked that a tray of tea, bread and butter and cakes be brought to her room during the late afternoon. This became a habit of hers and she began inviting friends to join her. This pause for tea became a fashionable social event. During the 1880s upper-class and society women would change into long gowns3, gloves and hats for their afternoon tea which was usually served in the drawing room between four and five oclock.
High tea, a term often confused with afternoon tea, usually takes the place of supper. During the Industrial Revolution, working class families would return home tired and exhausted.The table would be set with dinner foods like meat, bread, butter, potatoes, cheese and of course tea. It was termed “high tea” because it was eaten at a high dining table rather than a low tea table.
Afternoon tea (because it was usually taken in the late afternoon) is also called “low tea” as it is served at a low table. Since this wasnt a meal, but rather like a late afternoon snack meant to stave off hunger, finger foods were the common fare. Tiny, dainty4 sandwiches, scones5 and pastries6 were served with afternoon tea. Finger foods afforded one the opportunity to take a petite bite and easily maintain a conversation. This is the most important, as one is not merely taking tea to gain nourishment or satisfy hunger, but to take time to relax, converse and enjoy the company of dear friends. In England, the traditional time for tea was four oclock or five oclock in the afternoon and no one stayed after seven oclock.
keywords and phrases:
1 duchess /d?t??s/n.女公爵;公爵夫人
2 fashionably /f??n?bl?/adv.隨著流行地,趕時髦地
3 gown /ga?n/n.女裙;女禮服
4 dainty /de?nt?/adj.(食物)美味的,可口的;(人)嬌小的,秀麗的;(物)小巧的
5 scone /sk?n/n.烤餅;司康餅
6 pastry /pe?str?/n.糕點;油酥糕點
phrase to know
low tea 也就是本文講到的afternoon tea, 與high tea的區別在于用茶的時間與豐盛程度。afternoon tea一般是從下午4點開始,除了茶或咖啡等飲料之外,一般還有現烤涂抹奶油和果醬的熱松餅和三明治。維多利亞時代的女人赴下午茶會,必須要穿綴有花邊的蕾絲裙,她們會把腰束緊,而且喝茶時要滴滴潤飲,點心也要細細品嘗,交談更要低聲絮語,舉止要優雅大方。這種古老的聚會方式流傳至今,禮儀早已化繁為簡不少,但是正確的沖泡方式、優雅的擺設和精致的茶點,還是被視為傳統而繼續流傳下來。
high tea 是指下午5、6點之間的正式茶點,點心要裝在兩三層高的點心盤中,通常除了松餅和三明治,還會有更加豐富的蛋糕、甜品、奶酪甚至冷肉,豐盛的程度有點和晚飯合并到一起的意思。至于下午茶中最關鍵的茶,老派的做法是把茶葉直接沖泡,再用茶漏過濾掉茶渣才能倒入杯中飲用。不過,現在一般都選用袋裝茶包,沖泡比較方便。喝茶時可以加入一些新鮮的檸檬片及牛奶,檸檬一般多加在紅茶里,而將牛奶加入茶中的做法則只有英國人比較喜歡。
stave off stave 作動詞講時,意思是“暫時擋住,避開(某事);延緩,推遲(令人不快的事物)”。 因此該短語的意思是“推遲,暫時避開”,例如:to stave off hunger / illness表示“暫時解除饑餓 / 緩解病情”。

Step 2 手寫行不行
★ 公爵夫人非常富裕,她的錢似乎怎么也花不完。(have money coming out of ones ears)

★ 那個女孩穿著總是很時髦。(fashionably)

★ 新款的結婚禮服銷路很好。(be a great success)

★ 小姑娘身上的連衣裙很漂亮。(dainty)

★ 年輕的紳士們一邊喝茶吃烤餅一邊聊天。(scone)

★ 點心金黃酥脆。 (pastry)

Step 3 口語行不行
Q1: What is your general impression on the British? 你對英國人總的印象如何?

Q2:Please talk about Chinese tea in brief. 請簡單談一下中國茶。

Q3:Do you like drinking tea? Why? 你喜歡喝茶嗎?為什么?

Step 2 手寫行不行答案
1. The Duchess was so wealthy that she seemed to have money coming out of her ears.
2. The girl always dresses fashionably.
3. The new wedding gown was a great success.
4. The little girl wore a dainty dress.
5. The young gentlemen chatted over tea and scones.
6. The pastry is golden and crisp.
Step 3 口語行不行答案
1. In my view, the best known quality of the British is“reserved”. They do not talk very much to strangers, do not show much emotion, and seldom get excited. To those who are fond of flowery expressions, the Englishman may appear uncomfortably cold. In their relations with others they value at least a show of modesty. Self-praise is felt to be impolite. If a person is, let me say, very good at tennis and someone asks him if he is a good player, he will seldom reply “Yes,” because people will think him conceited. He will probably give an answer like,“Im not bad.” or “I think Im very good,” or “Well, Im very keen on tennis.”
2. Chinese tea is a beverage from the leaves of tea plants boiled with water, which are ordinarily used for tea in China. Tea leaves are processed by traditional Chinese methods. The Chinese drink tea throughout the day, including during meals, as a substitute for plain water for health or simple pleasure. In Chinese society, the younger generation always shows their respect to the older generation by offering a cup of tea. In the past, people of lower rank served tea to higher-ranking people. Today, as Chinese society becomes more liberal, sometimes parents may pour a cup of tea for their children, or a boss may even pour tea for subordinates at restaurants. However, the lower-ranking person should not expect the higher-ranking person to serve him or her tea in formal occasions.
3. I love tea. Besides water, tea is the most widely-consumed beverage in the world. Almost every culture in the world has a tea tradition of one sort or another, and these traditions are often central to the act of meeting and greeting friends and newcomers. Having an appreciation of tea and tea rituals can often get me past many language or cultural barriers when traveling overseas. Besides, many coffee-drinkers cant stand the taste on its own, and must add milk, cream, and / or sugar in order to make it palatable. Tea on the other hand is much less harsh / bitter on its own, and is widely enjoyed without additives of any kind. Tea may also help boost metabolism, which can help dieters to lose weight faster.




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