El Triunfo de la Injusticia: Cómo Los Ricos Evaden Impuestos Y Cómo Hacer Que Paguen / The Triumph of Injustice: How the Rich Dodge Taxes and How to M

El Triunfo de la Injusticia: Cómo Los Ricos Evaden Impuestos Y Cómo Hacer Que Paguen / The Triumph of Injustice: How the Rich Dodge Taxes and How to M


:NT$ 873 元
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Una reinvenci n visionaria y pragm tica de los impuestos, y una hoja de ruta para alcanzar la justicia social.

La desigualdad desbocada que padecemos tiene un claro motor: un sistema fiscal injusto. Por primera vez en m s de un siglo, a los multimillonarios estadounidenses se les aplican hoy tasas impositivas m s bajas que a ning n otro grupo social. Mientras tanto, a la clase media se le pide un esfuerzo contributivo mayor. Emmanuel Saez y Gabriel Zucman, dos economistas que han revolucionado el estudio de la desigualdad, analizan las decisiones (y los pecados de indecisi n) que han llevado a semejante triunfo de la injusticia fiscal. Combinando el an lisis hist rico y las aportaciones econ micas m s punteras con una prosa amena y sin jerga, Saez y Zucman muestran c mo el fin de la progresividad de los impuestos termina por sacudir los cimientos de la democracia.

Estados Unidos, que estuvo a la vanguardia de la lucha por la justicia fiscal, ha dado la espalda a su propia tradici n. Si queremos evitar que Europa caiga en una deriva injusta y olig rquica como la que ha llevado a Donald Trump al poder, es urgente actuar. Aunque el deterioro de la escalada fiscal en un contexto de aumento de las desigualdades ha sido especialmente exacerbado en ese lado del Atl ntico, no es en absoluto espec fico de Estados Unidos. La injusticia fiscal, uno de los grandes fracasos pol ticos de nuestro tiempo, es un fen meno global que exige soluciones integrales.

«Sin impuestos no hay cooperaci n, ni prosperidad ni destino com n; no hay ni tan siquiera una naci n que necesite un presidente.


America's runaway inequality has an engine: our unjust tax system.

Even as they became fabulously wealthy, the ultra-rich have had their taxes collapse to levels last seen in the 1920s. Meanwhile, working-class Americans have been asked to pay more. The Triumph of Injustice presents a forensic investigation into this dramatic transformation, written by two economists who revolutionized the study of inequality. Eschewing anecdotes and case studies, Emmanuel Saez and Gabriel Zucman offer a comprehensive view of America's tax system, based on new statistics covering all taxes paid at all levels of government. Their conclusion? For the first time in more than a century, billionaires now pay lower tax rates than their secretaries.

Blending history and cutting-edge economic analysis, and writing in lively and jargon-free prose, Saez and Zucman dissect the deliberate choices (and sins of indecision) that have brought us to today: the gradual exemption of capital owners; the surge of a new tax avoidance industry, and the spiral of tax competition among nations. With clarity and concision, they explain how America turned away from the most progressive tax system in history to embrace policies that only serve to compound the wealth of a few.

But The Triumph of Injustice is much more than a laser-sharp analysis of one of the great political and intellectual failures of our time. Saez and Zucman propose a visionary, democratic, and practical reinvention of taxes, outlining reforms that can allow tax justice to triumph in today's globalized world and democracy to prevail over concentrated wealth.

A pioneering companion website allows anyone to evaluate proposals made by the authors, and to develop their own alternative tax reform at







定價:100 873



