El Gato Que Amaba Los Libros / The Cat Who Saved Books

El Gato Que Amaba Los Libros / The Cat Who Saved Books


:NT$ 698 元
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Un homenaje a las librer燰s, a los libros y a todos aquellos que los aman. Una lectura para recrearse y saborear con un buen t?japon廥.

Una de las novelas japonesas traducida a m嫳 idiomas en los timos a隳s Best seller del Times en Reino Unido

Libro favorito de las librer燰s independientes en Estados Unidos

La epopeya de Rintaro, el joven heredero de una entra鎙ble librer燰 de viejo, y de Tora, un sabio e ingenioso gato atigrado, se ha convertido en un fulgurante 憖ito internacional. Su emocionante misi鏮 consiste nada m嫳 y nada menos que en salvar los libros que est嫕 en peligro y extender as?el amor por estos objetos, bellos e inigualables, que son parte imprescindible de nuestra vida.

Del siempre fascinante Jap鏮 nos llega esta hermosa historia, cargada de sabidur燰, magia y pasi鏮 por la lectura, que ya ha conquistado a lectores de todo el mundo.

«Una f墎ula m墔ica sobre el inmenso poder de la lectura. Corriere di Bologna

«Cada vez m嫳 gente compra libros online y los lee en un eReader (o escucha audiolibros mientras hace otras tareas), El gato que amaba los libros da a los lectores la oportunidad de ver reflejada su relaci鏮 con la palabra impresa. Esta conmovedora y original novela nos invita a recordar lo maravilloso que es acurrucarse con un libro y saborear el placer sensorial de pasar las p墔inas al sumergirse en una buena historia. Japan Times


From the #1 bestselling author in Japan comes a celebration of books, cats, and the people who love them, infused with the heartwarming spirit of The Guest Cat and The Travelling Cat Chronicles.

Bookish high school student Rintaro Natsuki is about to close the secondhand bookstore he inherited from his beloved bookworm grandfather. Then, a talking cat appears with an unusual request. The feline asks for--or rather, demands--the teenager's help in saving books with him. The world is full of lonely books left unread and unloved, and the cat and Rintaro must liberate them from their neglectful owners.

Their mission sends this odd couple on an amazing journey, where they enter different mazes to set books free. Through their travels, the cat and Rintaro meet a man who leaves his books to perish on a bookshelf, an unwitting book torturer who cuts the pages of books into snippets to help people speed read, and a publishing drone who only wants to create bestsellers. Their adventures culminate in one final, unforgettable challenge--the last maze that awaits leads Rintaro down a realm only the bravest dare enter . . .

An enthralling tale of books, first love, fantasy, and an unusual friendship with a talking cat, The Cat Who Saved Books is a story for those for whom books are so much more than words on paper.

Translated from the Japanese by Louise Heal Kawai.
Cats, books, young love, and adventure: catnip for a variety of readers! -Kirkus







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