Here to Stay: How To Live Not Die

Here to Stay: How To Live Not Die


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Did you realize that there are 500,000 centenarians alive today? How have people in Okinawa, Japan, Costa Rica, and Greece maintained their health and vitality for such a long time?
Simple modifications in food and lifestyle can avert the great majority of early deaths. In Here to Stay, Dr. Clifton Barkley, a veteran nutrition expert and physician, examines the top fifteen diseases and conditions that lead to early death in the United States and around the world, including diabetes, Parkinson's disease, high blood pressure, and various cancers. He also explains how nutritional and lifestyle changes can sometimes be more effective than prescription medications and other medical procedures, allowing us to lead healthier and longer lives.
The plain fact is that while most doctors are proficient at managing acute illnesses, they struggle to avoid chronic conditions. Every year, 1.6 million Americans lose their lives to the top fifteen causes of mortality. It's not necessary to be like this. You can discover what foods to eat and lifestyle modifications to adopt in order to live longer by paying attention to Clifton Barkley's advise, which is all supported by solid scientific evidence.
Author Clifton Barkley's no-nonsense, results-driven diet, exercise program, and general lifestyle are all here to stay in his book How to Live and Not Die.
Clifton Barkley, a family physician for more than 21 years, will tell you that neither doctors nor pharmaceuticals can guarantee you perfect health or immunity to illness and pain. The best health treatment is good self-care, which begins with altering our eating habits.
In one to five months, the majority of medical issues can be prevented or even reversed with the help of the nutrition-based program "How to live." This is a big statement, but the science and the hundreds of people who have used this method support it.
The simple fact is that you do not need to be ill.
The majority of Americans consume excessive amounts of fats, proteins, and carbohydrates, and are inadequate in the vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients (micronutrients) found in plants (macronutrients). By consuming packaged and processed foods, too much meat and dairy, and excessive levels of salt and sugar, the results of this normal diet are that we are not only shortening our lives but also harming our energy, vitality, and daily health. Consuming foods high in phytonutrients, such as greens, beans, onions, mushrooms, berries, and seeds, is what we need to do. These scrumptious and plentiful foods provide the widest variety of micronutrients, and when eaten in sufficient amounts, they lower cholesterol and blood pressure, prevent and treat heart disease and diabetes, as well as lessen hunger and food cravings.
Eat for Life delivers everything you need to alter the direction of your health and put this game-changing program to work for you, with its foundation in the most recent nutritional science and its recipes, menu plans, and client testimonials.
Clifton Barkley has been a nutritionist and fitness instructor in New York for over 21 years.







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