Selling CRM/Tech: It's What's Below the Tip of the Iceberg That Matters Most

Selling CRM/Tech: It's What's Below the Tip of the Iceberg That Matters Most


:NT$ 920 元
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If you think you know everything about enterprise technology sales, think again!

As a veteran in the fields of CRM, AI, and data sales for 20+ years, I have observed firsthand how sales representatives have relied solely on logic, dutifully performing discovery and reciting bullet points verbatim from capabilities decks, yet still losing deals. As a former economist and pre-sales consultant, I was a willing participant in this logical and analytically focused approach to helping close deals. Though I have been quite successful, I felt something was missing in our team-based approaches in recent years. After conducting extensive research, I have come to realize that most CRM sales teams are missing a fundamental aspect of selling-the "art" of selling, as opposed to just the science. We sell to people, not robots. Emotional connections drive humans. As you will see, most CRM buying decisions are driven emotionally instead of logically. You may have heard that emotions play a role in selling CRM, but this book takes a dramatically deeper dive into the subject. It delves deep into the art of selling CRM and explores crucial concepts such as Emotional Intelligence, Authority, Vision Selling, Persuasion, and more, all of which are essential in the world of sales.

Studies reveal that emotions account for over 70% of CRM buyer's decisions, while logic only accounts for around 30%. This is where the Iceberg analogy comes into play. The visible part of the iceberg represents only 10-30% of their final buying decision, which includes logical factors such as features, functionality, and price. The remaining 70-90% of the iceberg, which is hidden beneath the water, includes emotional factors such as trust, emotional intelligence, authority, and likability that truly drive the customer's decision.

Isn't it inspiring to think about how much we can positively impact our customers' decisions by understanding and tapping into these emotions?

Sales representatives usually focus on the visible part of the iceberg, trying to convince customers with logical reasons to buy their product. However, this approach fails to address the underlying emotional factors that ultimately influence the customer's decision.

What sets this book apart from others you've read is its focus on utilizing the "art" of applying proven techniques backed by the most recent science and statistics. Achieving sales greatness requires moving beyond traditional tactics to connect with prospects' deepest needs genuinely.

If you feel stagnant, rely on old approaches, or desire unprecedented success, this book provides a roadmap to take your skills to the next level through emotional and persuasion mastery. From establishing rapport with clients to building long-term loyalty, the secrets to selling in a permanently changed world lie in co-creating genuine value and not making short-sighted transactions.

As your guide, I will take you into a new era of consultative mastery where relationships are the key driver of revenue, not just sterile features. By the time you finish this book, you will be equipped with the tools you need to take your sales game to the next level.







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