【簡體曬書節】 單本79折,5本7折,優惠只到5/31,點擊此處看更多!

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整復推拿師的眼壓重設術 視力回升0.2
作者:清水六觀  出版社:楓葉社文化  出版日:2022/03/08 裝訂:平裝
定價:350 元, 優惠價:9 315
作者:主婦之友社-編著  出版社:楓葉社文化  出版日:2022/03/08 裝訂:平裝
~顛覆「髖關節痛治不好」的舊有常識~不用動手術,靠自己就能治癒髖關節疼痛,從現在起,自疼痛中解放!上樓梯或爬坡都能健步如飛!【本書特色】◎透過理論、食療、運動、中醫多管齊下,向髖關節痛說再見!◎搭配豐富的照片圖解,一目瞭然!◎書中提供的方法非常容易實踐,不論是誰都能輕鬆嘗試!檢查看看,你有這些症狀嗎? 從地上或床上站起身時,髖關節有疼痛症狀和異樣感覺 因腰痛前往醫院看診,但X光片顯示腰部正常無異狀 走路30分鐘以上,覺得髖關節疼痛、不舒服 髖關節痛到無法站著做家事或工作 睡覺翻身時,因髖關節疼痛而醒來 穿襪子、剪腳趾甲等動作漸漸變得困難起來 上下樓梯時都覺得髖關節疼痛,必須扶著欄杆才會舒服些 隨著年紀增長,下肢長度變短,身高也逐漸變矮.「髖關節疼痛」會造成什麼問題?當髖關節和腰、膝等關節開始老化並誘發疼痛,站、坐、走路等日常動作將逐漸受到限制,導致活動減少,肌肉退化。每天承受慢性疼痛也會造成身心壓力,導致駝背,讓整個人顯得老態龍鍾。髖關節是連接軀幹和兩側下肢的重要「樞紐」。髖關節疼痛會造成「樞紐」無法發揮正常功用,當身體無法維持平衡,腰部和膝蓋也會連帶承受相當大的負荷,誘發腰痛或膝痛。除此之外,關節老化也會提高罹患內臟疾患、自律神經失調、精神疾患等風險。本書將透過日常生活中就能簡單實踐的方式,幫助你逐步改善髖關節疼痛的問題。例如在家就能進行的【3天運動課程】,放鬆關節周圍的肌肉並矯正歪斜;持續進行【抖腳晃腿體操】、【雙腳交叉行走】等簡單動作,能維持髖關節的健康。飲食方面,則可以多運用富含葡萄糖胺和軟骨素的蝦米製作【消除髖關節疼痛湯】等,並留意減少攝取會使身體變冷、水毒增加、熱量蓄積的食物。此外,還能從中醫方面下手,以【簡易炙療】溫熱患部,改善不舒服症狀;書中更公開有效緩解髖關節疼痛、減緩肌肉老化速度的【五大中藥方劑】。多數人遇到髖關節疼痛問題,往往束手無策,以為最終只能靠手術解決。本書提供運動、食療、中醫等多方面自我治療方法,讓因髖關節痛而困擾的你,找到一線曙光!
定價:350 元, 優惠價:9 315
Essential Calculus Metric Version 2/e (Custom Solutions) (THC)
作者:authors James Stewart; Daniel Clegg; Saleem Watson  出版社:滄海  出版日:2022/03/01 裝訂:平裝
定價:1320 元, 優惠價:1 1320
作者:陳冠融; 張明超  出版社:力大圖書  出版日:2022/03/01 裝訂:精裝
定價:450 元, 優惠價:1 450
作者:漢斯‧巴洛普  出版社:易利圖書  出版日:2022/03/01 裝訂:平裝
一種在診間就可操作,以注射處理慢性疼痛 慢性發炎、過敏和退化性疾病的實用方式…神經療法是種在歐洲廣泛使用而且迅速便得到全世界接受的治療技術。最廣為人知的是立即解除疼痛、改善動作、回復功能,而且可用於多種其他方法無法解決的健康問題。本書涵蓋了方法論、適應症、注射特定神經和部位的技術以回復適當的生理功能。有了這本視覺化的指引在手,連無神經療法經驗的醫師都能成功應用注射技術來治療他們的患者。本書特點:•獨特的以身體照片及繪圖來標記出注射點之解剖部位。•有用的神經療法教科書,同時又涵蓋臨床實用的操作技術。•解說內容與圖片排版在相對頁面,圖文可精確說明。巴洛普的「神經療法教科書及圖解」對每位處理慢性疼痛的執業人士及學生而言都非常值得一讀。
定價:1500 元, 優惠價:1 1500
Principles and Practice of Surgery (IE)
作者:Garden  出版社:ELSEVIER  出版日:2022/02/26 裝訂:平裝
This comprehensive textbook is the surgical companion to the international bestseller, Davidson’s Principles and Practice of Medicine. It provides an overview of core surgical topics encountered in an integrated medical curriculum and, later, in the clinical setting.The book takes a succinct and practical approach to the understanding of surgical disease and care of the surgical patient. It offers comprehensive coverage of the key surgical specialties and includes emerging issues around patient safety and the critical importance of clinical human factors in surgical practice.Fully updated to reflect changes in understanding and evidence-based practice, this is a text that keeps the student up to date and that no trainee surgeon should be without.Key FeaturesEasy to read, logical to followSummary boxes and evidence boxes throughout to complement the textSuperbly presented with line drawings, high quality radiographic images and colour photographs to help in exams and in the clinical set
定價:1428 元, 優惠價:1 1428
定價:800 元, 優惠價:9 720
作者:哈麗特‧布萊克弗德-文; 麥克‧漢森-圖  出版社:快樂文化  出版日:2022/02/16 裝訂:精裝
★幼兒STEAM教育的絕佳入門書★童心的生活觀察 × 實驗做中玩 × 可愛討喜的繪圖\ 讓我們聰明應對好奇寶寶的問題 /年幼的孩子有好多好多問題想問科學寶寶系列提供了回答問題的理想方式也培養孩子探索世界和學習的熱情★入選 UCLan STEAM童書獎 幼兒組★一起來認識四位科學寶寶──米亞、塞博、艾拉和奧斯卡,他們身穿迷你超級英雄服裝,充滿好奇心,性格純真可愛;透過簡單好讀的故事,與他們一同探索、調查生活中各種現象,並搭配有趣的實驗操作,讓年幼的孩子認識科學。●孩子們好奇的是……●科學寶寶們在海邊愉快的野餐,有隻海鷗卻把便便滴到米亞身旁,令米亞大叫。賽博產生了疑惑,為什麼我們會便便呢?奧斯卡說,是因為我們吃了東西。大家一起運用手邊的物品,模擬吃東西之後的消化過程:把蛋糕和香蕉捏碎、用夾鏈袋壓扁,然後倒入媽媽的褲襪裡──因為它被當做身體裡面長長的腸子……寶寶們的調查結果會是如何?【適讀年齡】■ 附注音■ 4~6歲親子共讀;6歲以上孩子也可自己閱讀◆文字簡單易讀,由生活小事的觀察出發,從純真對話的探問中,一步一步推進,搭配簡單有趣的實驗操作,學到新事物。◆角色二頭身的萌萌比例,靈動的眼睛,在好奇寶寶們的一言一語之間,讀者心已融化! ◆繽紛明亮的色彩,豐富多層次的筆觸,童趣可愛的畫風,給人愉悅的視覺感受。◆畫面細節布滿巧思,觀察背景小動物的幽默互動,別有一番閱讀樂趣!
定價:300 元, 優惠價:9 270
作者:池谷敏郎  出版社:聯經  出版日:2022/02/10 裝訂:平裝
長期腰痛,總是好不了?引發腰痛的原因很多,絕不只是肌肉疼痛!來自日本內科名醫的獨家見解,原來情緒、個性及天氣,也會引發疼痛!──收錄腰痛伸展操,4個動作治好慢性腰痛──你是身陷腰痛,卻總是找不到原因的人嗎?本書是為了下列對象所寫:‧因腰痛前往骨科就診,仍無法痊癒。‧因腰痛而按摩,但不見起色。‧腰痛已持續一個月以上。‧腰部沒有受傷,卻突然腰痛。‧找不出原因的腰痛,擔心是其他疾病……。若長期腰痛無法痊癒,極有可能是其他疾病所致,「腰痛」只是外顯症狀罷了!★腰部是會說話的器官,常是重大疾病的徵兆作者池谷敏郎雖是一名內科醫師,但在診間也常遇到腰痛患者,甚至每三名患者中,就有一人會腰痛。事實上,因腰痛而確診其他疾病,包括腎結石、帶狀疱疹、癌症骨轉移等,並不少見。與其擔心自己「或許不是單純腰痛」,徹底找出病因,接受治療才是上策。池谷醫師在書中具體說明「哪一種腰痛,是疾病的徵兆」、「腰痛該看哪一個科別」,及「該做何種檢查才能判斷腰痛成因」等,幫助大家正確辨別並接受治療。★腰痛如何改善?掌握三大原則,有效解痛池谷醫師也曾因為久坐看診及肥胖,導致長期腰痛,影響生活,對於腰痛患者的苦惱,更是感同身受。身為過來人他建議,若想治好腰痛,不妨這樣做:1.徹底接受檢查 先至骨科就診,若查不出病因,再依據疼痛位置,至相關科別治療。2.撰寫腰痛日記每天記錄腰痛部位、強度及心情等,幫助找出致痛原因。3.做腰痛伸展操與其躺著休養,不如每天伸展,才能強化肌力,改善疼痛。如果你是深受腰痛之苦的人,在閱讀本書之後,相信身心一定能獲得改善。▍本書特色1.由內科醫師角度說明「腰痛成因」。2.收錄各式腰痛案例,提供經驗分享。3.醫師獨創伸展操,改善腰痛最有感。 國內名家一致推薦王偉全︱超全能診所院長暨台灣增生療法醫學會理事長林頌凱︱ 聯新國際診所院長侯鐘堡︱原力復健科院長詹珞瑤|知昕物理治療所負責人、YouTube頻道經營──健康推薦(依姓氏筆劃排列)好評推薦腰痛是個謎!腰痛難民們汲汲營營在影像上解謎,卻徒勞無功,池谷醫師義正嚴詞地告訴你秘密心法。──王偉全,超全能診所院長暨台灣增生療法醫學會理事長腰痛是身體最常見的疼痛來源之一。本書可以幫助你更有系統保健自己的身體,避免成為腰痛難民。──林頌凱,聯新國際診所院長慢性腰痛原因極其複雜,盛行率高,涵蓋腎臟、腰椎、肌肉韌帶問題,不可不慎!──侯鐘堡,原力復健
定價:320 元, 優惠價:9 288
作者:戴念國  出版社:時報文化  出版日:2022/01/19 裝訂:平裝
以前是藥物治標不治本的時代,現在則是再生醫學時代!傳統的治療方式,面對高齡化慢性疾病與退化等無法解決的問題,再生醫學將醫療帶入全新境界!隨著年齡增長,膝關節也在持續磨損與退化。當有好的骨關節,就擁有繼續健康長壽的本錢。◎愛美人士避之惟恐不及的脂肪,竟是啟動再生醫學的關鍵脂肪,在過去是愛美人士想除之後快的部分,以使身體能有美麗的曲線,但是現在它在骨骼、神經、肌肉系統的退化或是疾病損傷中有相當多的可運用性,是再生醫學重要的材料,提供骨科患者改善與康復的生命密碼。◎改善骨關節退化發炎治療,置換人工關節老套了骨關節發炎,在過去無法避免它持續性的損壞,到最終必須走向置換人工關節的命運。其實,只要策略運用得當,最後情況是可以逆轉的。◎骨科疾患再生密碼再生醫學的核心治療方法,是基於細胞相關生命力量的療法,有可能使患者就該病症恢復健康甚至痊癒,在過去大多數用於慢性疾病的藥物無法做到這一點。未來由於再生醫學的進步與普及,人工關節的置換將可望大幅減少與避免。 誠摯推薦楊敏盛 敏盛醫院集團總裁武東星 國立暨南大學校長葉明功 前衛生福利部食品藥物管理署署長專文推薦吳濬哲 前中山醫院院長陳建良 國立暨南大學管理學院院長戴念梓 細胞治療權威暨三軍總醫院教授
定價:320 元, 優惠價:9 288
作者:朱育瑩  出版社:臺灣東販  出版日:2022/01/17 裝訂:平裝
定價:320 元, 優惠價:9 288
作者:室井滋-作; 長谷川義史-繪  出版社:采實文化  出版日:2022/01/07 裝訂:精裝
光知道刷牙是不夠的!正確了解蛀牙原因和預防細菌攻擊,才能有一口潔白又亮晶晶的牙齒喔!★知名繪本作家長谷川義史作品★瑞典大學名譽博士熊谷崇先生審定推薦不愛刷牙的義夫,最近在班上發生一件不開心的事情,原來,坐在他隔壁的賢人,因為一口亮晶晶的牙齒獲得班上女生青睞,自己卻因為一口大黑牙,被班上的同學嫌棄。爸爸也因為牙周病看起來很可怕,遭到客人嚴肅,業績墊底,媽媽因為吃年糕時假牙掉落,被其他媽媽恥笑,妹妹因為不會使用牙刷,被同學大聲嘲笑,就連家裡的小狗也因為牙結石太多,被暗戀的貴賓狗嫌棄。牙齒不好,害得義夫一家都不開心,他們決定偷偷溜到鄰居賢人家瞧一瞧,到底該怎麼做,才能讓牙齒變得亮晶晶呢?☆了解口腔保健知識,養成牙齒保健的好習慣!義夫一家人各有不同的牙齒問題,從爸爸的牙周病、媽媽的假牙甚至是小狗的牙結石,透過故事向小朋友介紹牙齒的病變,最後透過牙醫說明蛀牙形成的過程,提醒孩子生活上需注意及養成的保健習慣。☆社交第一步就是自信展現漂亮微笑!義夫一家的牙齒小毛病,演變成了生活和社交的大問題。藉由主角一家人遇到的爆笑情境與煩惱,警惕孩子牙齒生病,不只是健康問題,也會讓他人感觀不好,進而影響到交朋友,久而久之更影響到孩子的自信,引導孩子主動學習保持口腔清潔。【適讀年齡】▲ 適讀年齡:4~8歲,學齡前、低年級。▲ 文字附注音,適合親子共讀,也適合孩子自己讀!
定價:320 元, 優惠價:9 288
Augmentation Surgery: Biologic Principles,Surgical Techniques,Clinical Challenges
作者:Terheyden  出版社:QUINTESSENCE PUB  出版日:2022/01/01 裝訂:精裝
Bone and soft tissue augmentation of the alveolar ridge is fairly unique in medicine, because true biologic regeneration of lost alveolar bone is achievable. With this book, the author makes a fine contribution to knowledge management and clinical judgment in this dynamic field. The book begins with the basics of jaw atrophy, biology of bone regeneration, and wound healing, as well as grafts and materials. Subsequent chapters cover standard augmentation techniques such as bone grafting and soft tissue management, fully explaining available augmentation techniques for even the most demanding surgeons. The final third of the book is dedicated to a clinical decision-making scheme for different situations, challenges in the esthetic region, posterior jaws, and fully edentulous ridges. The chapters are supplemented with step-by-step clinical cases that illustrate the respective topic in a clear and comprehensible way. The book aims to introduce general dentists to the field of bone and soft
定價:8272 元, 優惠價:1 8272
Essentials of Orthognathic Surgery
作者:Reyneke  出版社:QUINTESSENCE PUB  出版日:2022/01/01 裝訂:精裝
With contributions from Steven M. SullivanThis long-awaited third edition of the author’s seminal text on orthognathic surgery includes not only a fresh new look and over a dozen new cases, but essential updates for anyone practicing orthognathic surgery. Though many of the surgical practices and techniques have not drastically changed since the previous edition, recent research has inspried new sections on airway management and orthoganthic surgery of the temporomandibular joint. The previous chapter on treatment of dentofacial deformities has now been split into two streamlined chapters on typical and complex dentofacial deformities to accommodate new cases and information, allowing a more user-friendly experience for the reader. Those familiar with the second edition will remember the illustrated step-by-step processes for patient evaluation, diagnosis, treatment planning, and surgical technqiue, and these vital resources have made into the new text as well. From the most basic bila
定價:6072 元, 優惠價:1 6072
Fundamentals of Implant Dentistry Volume 1: Prosthodontic Principles
作者:Beumer  出版社:QUINTESSENCE PUB  出版日:2022/01/01 裝訂:精裝
This book has it all, and can truly be considered the definitive implant prosthodontic textbook. Like its predecessor, it functions as both a textbook for students and a dental reference for practitioners. The authors aim to provide a prosthodontic perspective to the various aspects of implant treatment, from the biologic mechanisms of osseointegration to implant design and configuration, to maintenance and management of complications. Organized into four sections, the book systematically takes the reader through the foundational principles of implant dentistry, to evaluation and restoration through a variety of clinical situations, and into more specialized topics and treatment scenarios. In addition, a downloadable illustrated glossary is available for easy reference. Emerging digital technologies and materials used to design and fabricate implant prostheses are an important focus, as are implant positioning, angulation, and spacing for each situation. Designs of implant-assisted ove
定價:6424 元, 優惠價:1 6424
Leukocyte- and Platelet-Rich Fibrin in Oral Regenerative Procedures: Evidence-Based Clinical Guideli
作者:Quirynen  出版社:QUINTESSENCE PUB  出版日:2022/01/01 裝訂:精裝
This book will guide clinicians to achieve great results with L-PRF. It starts with basic science chapters on tissue regeneration, blood centrifugation, and an explanation of the biologic power of platelet concentrates. However, the true value of this book lies in an evidence-based evaluation of the benefits of L-PRF in periodontal and maxillofacial surgery, as well as in chronic wound therapy. For each treatment, a step-by-step approach has been created by experienced clinicians. The most crucial steps are explained in 18 videos via augmented reality.
定價:6821 元, 優惠價:1 6821
Biomimetic Restorative Dentistry 2Vols
作者:Magne  出版社:QUINTESSENCE PUB  出版日:2022/01/01 裝訂:精裝
The first edition of this book took the dental world by storm in 2002 and became one of the bestselling Quintessence books of all time, and this edition will no doubt do the same. The book takes the science of esthetic dental reconstruction to a new level, both clinically and academically, and offers all that a clinician could wish for in terms of indications and the classic clinical steps for tooth preparation, laboratory and CAD/CAM procedures, adhesive luting procedures, and maintenance. But above all, what makes this book so unique is the underlying principle by which Pascal Magne lives: respect the natural structure and use that nature as your guide in restoration. The central philosophy of the book is the biomimetic principle—that is, the idea that the intact tooth in its ideal hues and shades, and perhaps more importantly in its intracoronal anatomy and location in the arch, is the guide to reconstruction and the determinant for success. Restoring or mimicking the biomechanical,
定價:14521 元, 優惠價:1 14521
Unfolding Peri-Implantitis: Diagnosis,Prevention,Management
作者:Monje  出版社:QUINTESSENCE PUB  出版日:2022/01/01 裝訂:精裝
Implant dentistry has grown enormously in popularity during the last few decades and is heralded as a revolutionary breakthrough in improving patient quality of life. Nevertheless, many clinicians have neglected to adequately consider the biologic complications that may occur over time and that can lead to implant failure. Peri-implantitis is the foremost complication that everyone wants to avoid, but there is neither one etiology nor one common solution for peri-implantitis. This timely publication bolsters the armamentarium of implant clinicians in understanding peri-implantitis and how to treat it. In this book, surgical and prosthodontic thought leaders share their methods ranging from prevention to regeneration, offering practical information to make the decision between saving the implant or removing it as well as how to avoid peri-implantitis in the first place. 1,800 illustrations. Contents: 1. Unfolding the Initiation and Progression of Peri-Implantitis: The Scope of the Probl
定價:11441 元, 優惠價:1 11441
Tissues: Critical Issues in Periodontal and Implant-Related Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
作者:Chambrone  出版社:QUINTESSENCE PUB  出版日:2022/01/01 裝訂:精裝
with special contributions by Salvador Garcia ValenzuelaThe success of periodontal and implant-related plastic and reconstructive surgical therapy is based on several fundamental principles, including an understanding of tissue characteristics in both health and disease, proper selection and use of surgical armamentarium, adequate flap design and management, and an understanding of the properties and indications of different graft materials. All of these elements are interconnected and must be considered in the process of treatment planning and patient care. This book beautifully weaves together clear narrative and stunning visuals to illustrate the five core components of periodontal and implant-related plastic and reconstructive surgical therapy—the tissues, the tools, the flaps, the grafts, and the surgeries—and how to manage them successfully in contemporary clinical practice. A true masterpiece in periodontology.
定價:11441 元, 優惠價:1 11441
Oxford Handbook of Anaesthesia (IE)
作者:Freedman  出版社:OXFORD  出版日:2022/01/01 裝訂:平裝
Returning for its fifth edition, the Oxford Handbook of Anaesthesia has been re-energized by new editors and a specialist contributor team, while still retaining its much-loved, clear and concise style. Written for anaesthetists at all stages of their careers, from trainees sitting exams through to experienced consultants as well as ODPs and nurses involved in theatre area work and pre-assessment, this comprehensive guide to the anaesthetic world is as indispensable as ever.This new edition has been completely revised and brings you the most up-to-date guidance and information to keep pace with fast-moving areas of anaesthesia, including a completely revised regional anaesthesia chapter. Now in full colour and packed with enhanced illustrations throughout, including new ECG rhythm strips and illustrations of specialist equipment, the Handbook also includes colour coding for easier navigation. Designed for daily use, this Handbook is your essential companion to anaesthesia, with everyth
定價:1716 元, 優惠價:1 1716
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