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Roger Hawkins (2)
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三民網路書店 / 搜尋結果

漢堡式大考英文段落寫作 Paragraph Writing: Easy as a Hamburger
作者:林君美  出版社:三民書局  出版日:2009/05/01 裝訂:平裝
漢堡組成 段落組成 富含芝麻香氣的上層麵包 針對主題定下一個主題句(topic sentence)。 新鮮的生菜和蕃茄 香濃的起司 鮮嫩多汁的牛肉 以主題句為中心寫下相關的支持句(supporting sentences)。 紮實的下層麵包 呼應主題句,總結支持句的方向寫下結論句(concluding sentence)。 美乃滋 ‧統一性(un
定價:180 元, 優惠價:85 153
庫存 > 10
作者:張勝溢  出版社:建興  出版日:2016/01/01 裝訂:平裝
大學入試英文考科的測驗項目中,以「閱讀測驗」佔分比例最重,同時命題也最爲靈活;然而,對於「閱讀測驗」此一項目嚴重自信心不足的同學,似乎不在少數。編者從事英語第一線教學數十年,發現許多學生閱讀文章時,僅止於著墨在字句翻譯和文法鑽硏上,完全忽視何謂「讀出思想」,不懂「起承轉合」佈局,不在意「槪述(general)」、「具體」、「主旨句(topic sentence)」、「文法線索」、「關鍵字(keyw
定價:220 元, 優惠價:9 198
作者:彭登龍  出版社:五南圖書出版  出版日:2013/08/01 裝訂:平裝
本書共分為六章。第一章介紹英文書本的閱讀策略。第二章是英文文章的閱讀策略,強調英文文章三部曲,即序論 (Introduction)、本文 (Body Paragraphs) 與結論 (Conclusion)。第三章為英文段落的閱讀策略,重點在英文段落三部曲,即主題句 (topic sentence) 闡述/發展句 (supporting/development sentences) 與結論句 (c
定價:280 元, 優惠價:95 266
Travel Beyond 1
作者:Camille Lu(盧麗桾)  出版社:東華書局  出版日:2022/01/21 裝訂:平裝
IntroductionThe new Travel Beyond series aims to embrace the new era for young backpackers. This two-level series is theme-oriented. The 16 units in each book represent different stages of a backpacking trip, with the aim of making learners competent to set off a journey on their own even if it is their very first one.KEY FEATURESWarm-up―Pictures and vocabulary are presented in this section, giving a little taste of the topic and increasing leaners’ motivation.Get Started―Phrases and collocations are introduced here for leaners to build up their speaking competency.Real World Listening―Well-developed listening passages that could happen at different locales while traveling provide real-life travel experience.Conversation―A theme-based dialogue with two sets of cues facilities multiple drill practices to enhance the register of the sentence patterns.More to Learn―Advanced content such as expertise knowledge, useful expressions, cultural notes, travel tips, etc., are integrated.Over to Y
定價:450 元, 優惠價:95 428
英語力 3:16堂流利英語聽說訓練課(別冊+寂天雲隨身聽APP)
作者:Owain Mckimm-作; Treva Adams-審訂  出版社:寂天文化  出版日:2024/05/20 裝訂:平裝
ENJOY learning! 享受學習趣!EMPLOY new language! 使用新語言!EMPOWER your English! 活化英語力!16堂流利英語聽說訓練課!廣受學校採用的聽力與口說教材!《英語力》是一套全方位的聽力與口說英語學習教材,透過有系統的設計規劃與引導,致力幫助讀者有效率地精通英語聽力與口語能力。中級第3冊涵蓋日常生活中更廣泛且專精的主題(個人生活經驗、感情生活、科技、工作、財務管理) ,幫助學生面對更複雜的情境。本冊針對各式主題補充活用字彙、句型及高階文法,透過精心設計的有趣活動練習,增進英語聽力與口語能力,並強化溝通自信,幫助學生在全英語場合中輕鬆無礙地恣意溝通。Books 1–3每課以6大單元編寫而成:1. Topic Preview 主題預覽課前暖身 依該課主題列出幾種常用的簡單對話情境,搭配精選插圖與音檔,以概觀本課主題,做課前暖身。2. Vocabulary & Phrases / Sentence Patterns單字/片語與句型本單元針對本課主題提供豐富常用的字彙與句型,有助於掌握接下來的聽力與口語單元。3. Now, Time to Listen! 現在,來學聽力!透過各式精心設計的習題,輔以音檔,聆聽簡短的擬真對話,讓自己沉浸於全英語的日常情境,有效地訓練聽力。4. Now, Grammar Time! 現在,來學文法!清楚明瞭的表格化文法整理呈現,配合多元的文法練習,幫助學生將文法輕鬆應用於日常會話中。5. Now, Time to Speak! 現在,來學口說會話!任務式的課堂小組練習創造擬真情境,提供示範對話與豐富用詞,引導學生彼此練習用英語對話,輕鬆有趣地增進英語口說會話能力。6. Now, Time to Pronounce! 現在,來學發音!從簡易的有聲與無聲子音發音開始,最後到語調變化,紮實訓練學生的發音技巧,藉由細部練習與修正,達到見微知著的效果,擁有一口如母語人士的標準發音。------------------------------------搭配寂天雲APP聆聽訓練聽力最有效!掃描書封QR Code下載「寂天雲」App,即能下載全書音檔,無論何時何地都能輕鬆聽取專業母語老師的正確道地示範發音,訓練您的聽力。功能特色:● 透過本App,可下載每本書的音檔,即點即播。● App 內建掃描器
定價:495 元, 優惠價:79 391
庫存 > 10
英語力 2:16堂流利英語聽說訓練課(菊8K+別冊+寂天雲隨身聽APP)
作者:Owain Mckimm-作; Treva Adams-審訂  出版社:寂天文化  出版日:2024/04/30 裝訂:平裝
ENJOY learning! 享受學習趣!EMPLOY new language! 使用新語言!EMPOWER your English! 活化英語力!16堂流利英語聽說訓練課!廣受學校採用的聽力與口說教材!《英語力》是一套全方位的聽力與口說英語學習教材,透過有系統的設計規劃與引導,致力幫助讀者有效率地精通英語聽力與口語能力。初中級第2冊涵蓋日常生活中更廣泛且特定的主題(與人溝通、購物、醫療急救緊急事件、找房子租屋、旅遊、工作職場等),幫助學生面對更複雜的情境。與初級相比,本冊針對各式主題補充難度更高的字彙、句型及文法,透過精心設計的有趣活動練習,增進英語聽力與口語能力,並強化溝通自信,幫助學生在全英語場合中輕鬆無礙地恣意溝通。本書架構 本系列套書共有4冊,依程度分為4級。每冊依不同主題分為16課,有助於讀者循序漸進地增強實力。分冊 程度 高中字彙Starter 入門 Basic 1~2 級Book 1 初級 Basic 1~4級Book 2 初中級 Pre-Intermediate 1~5級Book 3 中級 Intermediate 1~6級Books 1–3每課以6大單元編寫而成: 1. Topic Preview 主題預覽課前暖身 依該課主題列出幾種常用的簡單對話情境,搭配精選插圖與音檔,以概觀本課主題,做課前暖身。 2. Vocabulary & Phrases / Sentence Patterns單字/片語與句型 本單元針對本課主題提供豐富常用的字彙與句型,有助於掌握接下來的聽力與口語單元。 3. Now, Time to Listen! 現在,來學聽力! 透過各式精心設計的習題,輔以音檔,聆聽簡短的擬真對話,讓自己沉浸於全英語的日常情境,有效地訓練聽力。 4. Now, Grammar Time! 現在,來學文法! 清楚明瞭的表格化文法整理呈現,配合多元的文法練習,幫助學生將文法輕鬆應用於日常會話中。 5. Now, Time to Speak! 現在,來學口說會話! 任務式的課堂小組練習創造擬真情境,提供示範對話與豐富用詞,引導學生彼此練習用英語對話,輕鬆有趣地增進英語口說會話能力。 6. Now, Time to Pronounce! 現在,來學發音! 從簡易的有聲與無聲子音發音開始,最後到語調變化,紮實訓練學生的發音
定價:495 元, 優惠價:79 391
庫存 > 10
英語力 1:16堂流利英語聽說訓練課 (菊8K+別冊+寂天雲隨身聽APP)
作者:Owain Mckimm-作; Judy Majewski; Zachary Fillingham-審訂  出版社:寂天文化  出版日:2024/04/30 裝訂:平裝
ENJOY learning! 享受學習趣!EMPLOY new language! 使用新語言!EMPOWER your English! 活化英語力!16堂流利英語聽說訓練課!廣受學校採用的聽力與口說教材!《英語力》是一套全方位的聽力與口說英語學習教材,透過有系統的設計規劃與引導,致力幫助讀者有效率地精通英語聽力與口語能力。初級第1冊囊括日常生活中最常見的主題,針對各式主題補充大量的基礎字彙、句型及文法,透過精心設計的有趣活動練習,增進英語聽力與口語能力,並強化溝通自信,幫助學生在全英語場合中輕鬆無礙地恣意溝通。本書架構 本系列套書共有4冊,依程度分為4級。每冊依不同主題分為16課,有助於讀者循序漸進地增強實力。分冊 程度 高中字彙Starter 入門 Basic 1~2級Book 1 初級 Basic 1~4級Book 2 初中級 Pre-Intermediate 1~5級Book 3 中級 Intermediate 1~6級Books 1–3每課以6大單元編寫而成:1. Topic Preview 主題預覽課前暖身 依該課主題列出幾種常用的簡單對話情境,搭配精選插圖與音檔,以概觀本課主題,做課前暖身。 2. Vocabulary & Phrases / Sentence Patterns單字/片語與句型 本單元針對本課主題提供豐富常用的字彙與句型,有助於掌握接下來的聽力與口語單元。 3. Now, Time to Listen! 現在,來學聽力! 透過各式精心設計的習題,輔以音檔,聆聽簡短的擬真對話,讓自己沉浸於全英語的日常情境,有效地訓練聽力。4. Now, Grammar Time! 現在,來學文法! 清楚明瞭的表格化文法整理呈現,配合多元的文法練習,幫助學生將文法輕鬆應用於日常會話中。 5. Now, Time to Speak! 現在,來學口說會話! 任務式的課堂小組練習創造擬真情境,提供示範對話與豐富用詞,引導學生彼此練習用英語對話,輕鬆有趣地增進英語口說會話能力。 6. Now, Time to Pronounce! 現在,來學發音! 從簡易的有聲與無聲子音發音開始,最後到語調變化,紮實訓練學生的發音技巧,藉由細部練習與修正,達到見微知著的效果,擁有一口如母語人士的標準發音。Contents Map───────────────────────
定價:495 元, 優惠價:79 391
Information Structure and Sentence Form
作者:Knud Lambrecht  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:1997/01/01 裝訂:平裝
Why do speakers of all languages use different grammatical structures under different communicative circumstances to express the same idea? Professor Lambrecht explores the relationship between the structure of the sentence and the linguistic and extra-linguistic context in which it is used. His analysis is based on the observation that the structure of a sentence reflects a speaker's assumption about the hearer's state of knowledge and consciousness at the time of the utterance. This relationship between speaker assumptions and formal sentence structure is governed by rules and conventions of grammar, in a component called 'information structure'. Four independent but interrelated categories are analysed: presupposition and assertion, identifiability and activation, topic, and focus.
定價:3899 元, 優惠價:9 3509
An Introduction to English Sentence Structure
作者:Andrew Radford  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2020/11/30 裝訂:平裝
This new edition of Andrew Radford's outstanding resource for students is a step-by-step, practical introduction to English syntax and syntactic principles, written by a globally-renowned expert in the field. Assuming little or no prior background in syntax, Radford outlines key concepts and how they can be used to describe various aspects of English sentence structure. Each chapter contains core modules focusing on a specific topic, a summary recapitulating the main points of the chapter, and a bibliographical section providing references to original source material. This edition has been extensively updated, with new analyses, exercise materials, references and a brand-new chapter on adjuncts. Students will benefit from the online workbook, which contains a vast amount of exercise material for each module, including self-study materials and a student answerbook for these. Teachers will value the extensive PowerPoints outlining module contents and the comprehensive teacher answerbook,
定價:1949 元, 優惠價:9 1754
Sentence Comprehension as a Cognitive Process:A Computational Approach
作者:Shravan Vasishth  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2021/10/31 裝訂:精裝
Sentence comprehension - the way we process and understand spoken and written language - is a central and important area of research within psycholinguistics. This book explores the contribution of computational linguistics to the field, showing how computational models of sentence processing can help scientists in their investigation of human cognitive processes. It presents the leading computational model of retrieval processes in sentence processing, the Lewis and Vasishth cue-based retrieval mode, and develops a principled methodology for parameter estimation and model comparison/evaluation using benchmark data, to enable researchers to test their own models of retrieval against the present model. It also provides readers with an overview of the last 20 years of research on the topic of retrieval processes in sentence comprehension, along with source code that allows researchers to extend the model and carry out new research. Comprehensive in its scope, this book is essential readi
Discourse and Grammar ─ From Sentence Types to Lexical Categories
作者:Gunther Grewendorf (EDT); Thomas Ede Zimmermann (EDT)  出版社:De Gruyter  出版日:2012/12/31 裝訂:精裝
Bringing together papers from various subfields of theoretical linguistics, this volume gives a representative glimpse of current research of form and function in grammar. Its overarching topic is the
作者:明建平  出版社:上海科學技術出版社  裝訂:平裝
《語法寫作》內容簡介:This book is aimed at the reader of English majors. It mainly addresses the topic of English sentence skills, which comprise of sentence extension and combination techniques, correction met
定價:168 元, 優惠價:87 146
A Reference Grammar of Thai
作者:Shoichi Iwasaki  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2009/04/09 裝訂:平裝
A Reference Grammar of Thai provides a clear, detailed and comprehensive guide to Thai grammar, designed for intermediate to advanced learners. Written by two leading experts on Thai, it places a special emphasis on functional accounts of its grammatical phenomena: the use of demonstratives, personal reference terms, the modality system, the aspectual system, pragmatic particles, verb serialisation, relative clauses, question formation, passive and causative constructions, topic marking and many more. Unlike any other book on Thai grammar, it draws on data from everyday spoken discourses such as informal conversation, group discussions, interviews and narratives, as well as non-technical written texts such as folk tales, short stories and newspaper articles, to discuss grammatical phenomena at both sentence and discourse level. An extensive index is provided and examples are given in both Thai orthography and IPA symbols, making this an invaluable resource for linguists as well as stud
定價:3282 元, 優惠價:9 2954
作者:張力  出版社:建興  出版日:2001/04/01 裝訂:平裝
本書特點: n 全國第一本明確標示Key Word和Topic Sentence的English Reading參考用書 n 強調English Reading是測驗考生read
定價:260 元, 優惠價:9 234
Brill's New Pauly
A previous edition has been cited in Guide to Reference Books. The entries vary between a sentence or two and several pages, cite topic-specific references, and are attributed to specific authors. Occ
Contrasts and Positions in Information Structure
作者:Ivona Kučerová  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2012/09/30 裝訂:精裝
Information structure, or the way the information in a sentence is 'divided' into categories such as topic, focus, comment, background, and old versus new information, is one of the most widely debated topics in linguistics. This volume incorporates exciting work on the relationship between syntax and information structure. The contributors are united in rejecting accounts that assume designated syntactic positions associated with specific information-structural interpretations, and aim instead to derive information-structural conditions on word order and other phenomena from the way syntax and syntax-external systems interact. Beyond this shared aim, the authors of the various chapters advocate a number of approaches, based on different types of data (syntactic, semantic, phonological/phonetic) from a range of languages. The book is aimed at specialists in syntax and/or information structure, as well as students and linguists in related fields keen to familiarise themselves with curre
A History of Exile in the Roman Republic
作者:Gordon P. Kelly  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2012/09/13 裝訂:平裝
Roman senators and equestrians were always vulnerable to prosecution for their official conduct, especially since politically motivated accusations were common. When charged with a crime in Republican Rome, such men had a choice concerning their fate. They could either remain in Rome and face possible conviction and punishment, or go into voluntary exile and avoid legal sentence. For the majority of the Republican period, exile was not a formal legal penalty contained in statutes, although it was the practical outcome of most capital convictions. Despite its importance in the political arena, Roman exile has been a neglected topic in modern scholarship. This 2006 study examines all facets of exile in the Roman Republic: its historical development, technical legal issues, the possibility of restoration, as well as the effects of exile on the lives and families of banished men.
定價:2339 元, 優惠價:9 2105
Clause Structure
作者:Elly van Gelderen  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2013/08/31 裝訂:平裝
Clause structure is the most widely-studied phenomenon within syntactic theory, because it refers to how words and phrases are embedded within a sentence, their relationships to each other within a sentence, and ultimately, how sentences are layered and represented in the human brain. This volume presents a clear and up-to-date overview of the Minimalist Program, synthesizes the most important research findings, and explores the major shifts in generative syntax. As an accessible topic book, it includes chapters on framework, the clause in general, and the semantic, grammatical and pragmatic layers. Designed for graduate students and researchers interested in syntactic theory, this book includes a range of examples taken from data acquisition, typology and language change, alongside discussion questions, helpful suggestions for further reading and a useful glossary.
定價:1754 元, 優惠價:9 1579
Illocutionary Shell Nouns in English
作者:Carla Vergaro  出版社:Peter Lang Pub Inc  出版日:2018/03/30 裝訂:精裝
The volume deals with the topic of illocutionary shell nouns in English, i.e. nouns that encapsulate a content that is usually expressed in a complement or in a separate sentence or clause, and report
The Gospel of John
作者:Jerome H. Neyrey  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2006/10/30 裝訂:精裝
This 2007 commentary differs from most others in that it does not attempt to repeat all the critical materials which can be found in the larger, major series. Rather it brings to the interpretation of John, materials more literary and rhetorical in nature. It presents full paragraphs on passages, key terms and major motifs. One might say that the 'big picture' is more important here than exacting detail. Readers will be invited into the gospel by noting its typical literary patterns (chiasms, topic statements and development, patterns of double-meaning words), rhetorical commonplaces and discourse (e.g., 'the 'noble' shepherd'; forensic trials: accusations, defense, verdict and sentence). In particular this commentary brings readers into the cultural world of the gospel by presenting materials such as honor and shame, challenge and riposte, gossip, secrecy, and sectarian character of the group. This is a very accessible reading of John.
定價:3835 元, 優惠價:9 3452
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