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三民網路書店 / 搜尋結果

作者:露西‧雷諾斯-文; 珍娜‧赫曼-圖  出版社:時報文化  出版日:2023/01/10 裝訂:精裝
家庭的組成只有爸爸+媽媽一種可能嗎?大自然動物們告訴你,家庭怎麼組都不奇怪!#多元家庭 #動物科普 #包容你來自什麼樣的家庭呢?來看看你們家像哪一種動物家族!也許是像兔子那樣的大家族?每年都有好多兔子寶寶成為兔子家族的新成員,親戚手足多到數不完。有許是像藍鯨那樣的小家庭?藍鯨媽媽會獨自照顧一個自己的孩子,直到兩三年後孩子可以獨立。有可能你像有些黑天鵝家庭一樣,有兩個爸爸一起照顧孩子長大,有可能你們家像一部分黑背信天翁家庭,由兩個媽媽共同扶養孩子。也有可能你像小海龜一樣,從出生那一刻起就要獨自面對人生這場冒險。每個家長養孩子的方式也是千奇百怪,有養出愛撒嬌孩子的灰袋鼠媽媽、還有早早請你離家的貓頭鷹父母;有喜歡團團抱在一起的狐猴家庭、或是整天愛吵架的斑胸草雀父母……神奇的大自然裡,什麼樣的家庭都有!但是,不管你來自什麼樣的家庭,當你像蝴蝶一樣展開翅膀的時刻,你會在這個廣闊又美妙的世界裡,找到屬於你的地方! 本書特色:l 每一頁都用淺顯易懂的描述及場景,向孩子介紹30多種動物及他們獨特的養育孩子的方式。l 閱讀故事的同時,也了解到許多關於動物的小知識,適合開始對動物們感到更多好奇的孩子們入門。l 插圖顏色明快鮮豔,藝術感十足,認識動物的同時也累積了美感體驗。l 家長與孩子共讀的同時,可以延伸與孩子討論在人類社會中多元家庭的組成、不同的家庭氣氛或是養育方式。規格:25.6 x 26.6 x 1 cm / 精裝 / 全彩 / 有注音。
定價:350 元, 優惠價:9 315
作者:蘇珊.葛倫伯克  出版社:臺灣商務  出版日:2023/01/19 裝訂:平裝
未來的家,能有怎樣的可能性?成為一家人,必須具備什麼條件?同志家庭、代孕生子、跨性別家庭、親職協作、自主單親40年研究證據支持背書 逐一打破主流家庭價值框架迷思★ 獻給多元自由的臺灣 ★ 獨家收錄中文版作者序 ★尋求關係永續新可能,真實動人的非典型成家實例分享只要有愛,我們就是一家人 「多元的家庭結構並不代表家庭的衰落;相反地,家庭的多元化讓人看到了更多我們原先所無法想像的、豐富的可能性。在本書中,葛倫伯克教授說明了許多創造孩子或成為父母的新方法;她也檢視這些革新如何在過去四十多年間演變,將一些原本不為人知的家庭帶到陽光下。在陳述過程中,她用上了許多鮮明的、細膩的感情敘事。就本質上來說,這是一本關於愛的書。」――安德魯.所羅門(Andrew Solomon),《背離親緣》(Far From the Tree)作者「我寫這本書,是為了那些對新型態家庭感興趣的人。我希望他們能在這本書裡找到他們尋找的答案。……我衷心希望這本書能夠改變反對者的想法,因為研究結果已經顯示,新型態家庭所面對的問題並非來自於家庭內部,而是源自於他人的偏見以及不了解。」――節錄自台灣中文版作者序──────────────────────────────────────────在過去的幾十年裡,我們對家庭形式的理解經歷了一場革命,當今的家庭已不再是單一定義。從同志父母到代孕、捐贈受孕和試管嬰兒,無一不挑戰傳統對家庭的想像。但是,這些改變對孩子本身的成長,是否會造成影響?為了回答這個問題,劍橋大學家庭研究中心的蘇珊.葛倫伯克教授訪問了女同志母親、男同志父親、自主性單親父母、捐贈受孕父母、共同父母、跨性別父母、代孕者和捐贈者,更將調查重點放在他們的孩子身上,透過對孩子的長期訪談,來探究他們是否與傳統家庭的孩子一樣健康長大。她發現,答案是肯定的。家庭成員間的羈絆──而非家庭的形式──才是創造平安快樂未來的關鍵。蘇珊的研究證明了,重要的是家庭本身如何運作,而不是如何形成;無論家庭形式為何,只要用心經營,孩子都可以有一個充滿愛和安全的家──儘管這些家庭的孩子往往會面臨他人的偏見。20世紀70年代,蘇珊首次踏入這塊研究領域,是因為她讀到一篇關於女同志母親的孩子被強行奪走的報導。這樣的悲劇,致使她一直努力不懈地挑戰陳腐的觀念,防止更多家庭被無端拆散。本書講述了這些家庭的故事,描寫他們的掙扎和勝利,同時讚許更多新
定價:490 元, 優惠價:75 367
作者:馬克.渥林  出版社:商周文化  出版日:2024/01/06 裝訂:平裝
家庭的故事就是你的故事。無論你喜不喜歡,它都深植於你基因裡。家族排列治療的最後一塊拼圖★ 累積20年以上經驗,以海寧格家族排列治療為基礎,獨創「核心語言方法」★ 2016年全球健康類圖書最高榮譽「鸚鵡螺圖書獎」(Nautilus Book Awards)銀獎★ Amazon心理健康分類榜No. 1,百位讀者5顆星推薦你是否長期陷於身心病痛,無從擺脫,只能無助自問:是哪裡出了錯?本書作者馬克.渥林要告訴你的則是:別灰心,這不是你的錯。很多時候,即使我們從未聽聞或察覺,家族成員受到的創傷,卻會因為他們受創當下難以面對、難以處理傷痛,而在基因中留下過去經驗的記憶。即使原本受創的家人已經過世,或者他的故事早已被遺忘、不再被提起,記憶和感覺卻一直存在。情緒的繼承往往是潛藏在無意識裡的,編碼在每個元素中,遺傳至我們體內。最新基因科學研究也發現,創傷的影響會從上一代延續到下一代,從基因的表現到日常語言,對我們心理和生理帶來重大影響,藉由慢性病痛、憂鬱症、焦慮症、恐慌症、強迫性思考、創傷後壓力症候群等,各種身心症狀表現出來。作者馬克.渥林是遺傳性家族創傷理論的先驅,從事個人和團體治療超過二十年。他根據佛洛伊德和榮格的理論,認為心理創傷總會從潛意識裡突圍而出,而表現在某個地方,這種種表現方式,他稱為「核心語言」(Core Language)。隨著這個進路,我們可以診斷出恐懼和焦慮如何透過語言、行為和身體症狀去表現。全書從神經科學、表觀遺傳學、語言科學等研究切入,以頂尖科學家的創傷後症狀群研究為基礎,包括腦神經科學家耶胡達(Rachel Yehuda)和心理治療師范德考克(Bessel van der Kolk),結合海寧格(Bert Hellinger)的家族系統排列理論,與實際案例觀察,以「核心語言方法」,提供的實用步驟,傾聽內心聲音,並解讀哪些問題源於我們自身,又有哪些問題源於家族史中的創傷。藉由具體的引導,我們將尋得關係的和解,修復身心靈的苦痛,終結可能一代代延續的傷。
定價:400 元, 優惠價:79 316
We Are Family
作者:Patricia Hegarty  出版社:Tiger Tales  出版日:2022/06/07 裝訂:平裝
定價:315 元, 優惠價:79 249
We Are Wolves
作者:Katrina Nannestad  出版社:ATHENEUM BOOKS  出版日:2023/01/17 裝訂:平裝
This “hauntingly atmospheric” (Kirkus Reviews, starred review), heart-stopping middle grade novel follows three of the Wolfskinder, German children left to fend for themselves in the final days of World War II, as they struggle to hold onto themselves and each other while surviving in the wild.Sometimes it’s good to be wild. Sometimes, you have to be.When the Russian Army marches into East Prussia at the end of World War II, the Wolf family must flee. Being caught by the Russians or the Americans would be the end for them. Liesl, Otto, and baby Mia’s father has already been captured, and they get separated from their mother in a blizzard after only a few days on the run.Liesl had promised Mama that she’d keep her brother and sister safe, no matter what. They’ll forage in the forests if they have to. Little do they know that there are hundreds of other parentless children doing the very same thing. And they far too quickly learn that, sometimes, to survive, you have to do bad things.Dan
定價:315 元, 優惠價:79 249
We Are Not Free
作者:Traci Chee  出版社:Clarion Books  出版日:2022/03/01 裝訂:平裝
* NATIONAL BOOK AWARD FINALIST * PRINTZ HONOR BOOK * WALTER HONOR BOOK * From New York Times best-selling and acclaimed author Traci Chee comes We Are Not Free, the collective account of a tight-knit group of young Nisei, second-generation Japanese American citizens, whose lives are irrevocably changed by the mass U.S. incarcerations of World War II. Fourteen teens who have grown up together in Japantown, San Francisco. Fourteen teens who form a community and a family, as interconnected as they are conflicted. Fourteen teens whose lives are turned upside down when over 100,000 people of Japanese ancestry are removed from their homes and forced into desolate incarceration camps. In a world that seems determined to hate them, these young Nisei must rally together as racism and injustice threaten to pull them apart.
定價:560 元, 優惠價:79 442
We Are Family:Six Kids and a Super-Dad - a poetry adventure
作者:Oliver Sykes  出版社:Otter-Barry Books Ltd  出版日:2024/05/09 裝訂:平裝
定價:494 元, 優惠價:95 469
Here We Are ― YOUR LIFE ON EARTH: A Record Book for New Humans
作者:Oliver Jeffers  出版社:HarperCollins Publishers  出版日:2022/09/01 裝訂:精裝
延續奧利佛‧傑法暖心作品《Here We Are歡迎來到這個美麗的星球》中溫柔優美的圖畫與文字,打造出這本令人會心一笑的寶寶成長紀錄書。包含三個信封、一個裝紀念小物的口袋,以及留存寶寶腳印跟家族合照的頁面。Inspired by the exceptional, award-winning global picture book phenomenon, Here We Are, this baby record book makes the perfect gift for families to treasure forever!Well, hello. Welcome to this planet. We call it Earth. We’re glad you found us.Welcome a newborn to the world with this gorgeous baby record book, celebrating milestones and special moments from before birth to early years. Including three envelopes, a card pocket to hold keepsakes, plus spaces for baby’s footprints and family photographs, this is the perfect place to cherish memories of a little one’s arrival on Planet Earth!
定價:824 元, 優惠價:79 651
there are more things
作者:Yara Rodrigues Fowler  出版社:Little Brown Uk  出版日:2022/04/28 裝訂:平裝
Shortlisted for the Orwell Prize for Political Fiction歐威爾獎決選。跨越世代與國境,思索歷史、愛與生存。there are more things is a novel about two women - Melissa and Catarina.Born to a well-known political family in Olinda, Brazil, Catarina grows up in the shadow of her dead aunt, Laura. Melissa, a South London native, is brought up by her mum and a crew of rebellious grandmothers.In January 2016, Melissa and Catarina meet for the first time, and, as political turmoil unfolds across Brazil and the UK, their friendship takes flight.Their story takes us across continents and generations - from the election of Lula to the London riots to the darkest years of Brazil's military dictatorship.there are more things builds on the unique voice of Yara's debut to create a sweeping novel about history, revolution and love. In it we see sisterhood and queerness, and, perhaps, glimpse a better way to live.
定價:824 元, 優惠價:75 618
Dim Sum, Here We Come!
作者:Maple Lam  出版社:Harpercollins  出版日:2023/01/03 裝訂:精裝
From author-illustrator Maple Lam comes a new picture book about a Chinese American girl and her younger sister as they attend their weekly dim sum family gathering. A celebration of the traditional Chinese customs passed on from generation to generation: togetherness, love, family—and food! Today is Sunday, and that means its dim sum time with my whole family! I can’t wait to see everyone, especially Grandma. I’m going to eat lots of shrimp dumplings, rice noodle rolls, egg tarts, and my favorite—char siu buns. We will have to order enough for us all to share. So what are you waiting for? Dim sum, here we come!This delicious picture book from Maple Lam celebrates love, family—and, of course, FOOD!
定價:665 元, 優惠價:79 525
Family of Liars (平裝本)(美國版)
作者:E. Lockhart  出版社:Random House US  出版日:2022/05/03 裝訂:平裝
Book Tok熱門懸疑小說《We were Liars》前傳登場。時間流轉回到過去,同一個豪門家族,不同世代的家庭成員,另一個充滿背叛與錯誤的夏天,騙徒們的謊言與秘密由此展開。The thrilling prequel to the TikTok phenomenon We Were Liars takes readers back to the summer that the Sinclair family’s lives changed forever. Decades before the Liars’ summer together, a different generation of teens—their mothers, Carrie, Penny, and Bess—find themselves on the same private family retreat on the Massachusetts coast. Each year they come to the island. There were once four Sinclair sisters; now there are three. But no one talks about their younger sister’s drowning. It’s the Sinclair way . . . as are so many things. When another tragedy upends what was meant to be a summer of fun, laughter, and first love, the bonds of family are tested. Who will crack under the pressure, and who will forever uphold the rules and keep the secrets, no matter the damage to generations to come? This page-turner full of psychological suspense and heartbreak off
定價:385 元, 優惠價:79 304
Casagrandes 3 in 1 #1: Collecting “We’re All Familia, “Everything for Family,” and “Supermercado Sweep”
作者:The Loud House Creative Team  出版社:Papercutz  出版日:2022/11/01 裝訂:平裝
The Casagrandes return for another collection of great stories!When Lincoln Loud’s close friend Ronnie Anne and her brother Bobby Santiago moved away from Royal Oaks to the Big City, they had no idea that they were about to start an exciting new chapter in their lives, while living in an apartment above their abuelo’s Mercado. Together with their mom, Maria, they are adapting from going to a family of three in Royal Oaks to living with their whole extended family, headed by the kids’ abuelos, Hector and Rosa, in the big city. Now, The Casagrandes are starring in their own popular animated series on Nickelodeon! Collecting The Casagrandes’s greatest comic stories from the hit The Loud House graphic novel series. Featuring stories from the creative team of the hit Nickelodeon shows The Loud House and The Casagrandes!Collecting comic stories from the first three Casagrandes graphic novels “We’re All Familia,” “Everything for Family,” and “Supermercado Sweep,” this is a must have for of Th
定價:525 元, 優惠價:79 415
Tomorrow Is a Brand-New Day
作者:Davina Bell  出版社:Scribble  出版日:2022/06/07 裝訂:精裝
The follow-up to bestseller All the Ways to be Smart by Davina Bell and Allison Colpoys. I know your day is feeling greybut it won't always be this way.And everyone alive can saythey've felt the way you do today.We all have bad days, bad days do pass. From creative superstars Davina Bell and Allison Colpoys comes a message of hope that we can depend upon and live by: bad days pass, and no matter what happens, we are deserving of love. An uplifting and healing book that every family needs in an era of overwhelming change.
定價:663 元, 優惠價:1 663
作者:羅真妮  出版社:布克文化  出版日:2023/05/09 裝訂:平裝
媽媽的食譜,是寫給家人的情書《Jenny的漫遊食堂》26道用愛烹調家常菜,將家的幸福能量代代相傳……26道家傳美味,中英對照食譜說明——【記憶的味道】9道懷舊暖心料理【旅人的風味】9道異鄉最愛料理【幸福的滋味】8道歡聚美食料理打開記憶的食譜,不用大廚精緻、深奧難做的功夫……只要願意一起動手做,就能讓人吃了暖心無比,「家」的感覺就回來了!家常=美味=幸福 如果「家」是一道菜,會是什麼滋味?是拿手的媽媽味?懷念的古早味? 從媽媽、外婆、曾祖母……究竟是誰創造出如此溫暖傳承的美味,早已無可考,卻是駐留作者心中的味覺記憶,永遠忘不掉的味道…… 每個家庭都有這樣的傳承美味,把一家人的味蕾和幸福緊緊地扣在一起! 《Jenny的漫遊食堂》是一位移居紐約的母親,為了讓異國長大的孩子也能留住家的美味,製作了這本中英對照、簡易家常食譜,透過全書26道佳餚,將家的幸福能量代代相傳! 這不只是一本家常食譜,而是作者對待料理的心情,更是媽媽寫給家人的情書。 如同作者女兒所說: “Like many other immigrant families, we are a family that spends more time apart than together, but food brings us back together and back to the safety of her kitchen.”●本書特色 《Jenny的漫遊食堂》是作者從小吃到大,媽媽的味道。不是餐廳大廚的精緻菜,更不是繁瑣的功夫菜!就是簡單美味,家的味道—— 不同時節,農曆年、新年、聖誕節、感恩節、中秋節……總想在家做些特別的食物來慶祝! 各種活動,慶生、滑雪、球賽聚會、畢業典禮、夏季烤肉……聚在一起少不了的美味! 家中製作的美味……把家人聚在一起!再加上媽媽的愛……這些美味,將會永遠駐印在我們心中。本書共分成3個部分~
定價:380 元, 優惠價:9 342
Everything, Everything
作者:Nicola Yoon  出版社:Random House Childrens Books  出版日:2015/09/01 裝訂:精裝
This innovative, heartfelt debut novel tells the story of a girl who’s literally allergic to the outside world. When a new family moves in next door, she begins a complicated romance that challenges everything she’s ever known. The narrative unfolds via vignettes, diary entries, texts, charts, lists, illustrations, and more.My disease is as rare as it is famous. Basically, I’m allergic to the world. I don’t leave my house, have not left my house in seventeen years. The only people I ever see are my mom and my nurse, Carla.But then one day, a moving truck arrives next door. I look out my window, and I see him. He's tall, lean and wearing all black—black T-shirt, black jeans, black sneakers, and a black knit cap that covers his hair completely. He catches me looking and stares at me. I stare right back. His name is Olly.Maybe we can’t predict the future, but we can predict some things. For example, I am certainly going to fall in love with Olly. It’s almost certainly going to be a disast
定價:665 元, 優惠價:79 525
Little Lion:A Day in the Life of a Lion Cub
作者:Anna Brett; Carmen Saldana  出版社:QED Publishing  出版日:2022/06/07 裝訂:精裝
Little Lion is a fact-filled picture book story based on the everyday adventures of a Lion Cub and their WILD family.Learn what different members of the lion family get up to, and how the fun and games of a little lion help them develop the vital survival skills they will need to use later on in life. This charming celebration of Lions will show children just how extraordinary these animals are and is a reminder that it is up to us to care for our planet and its creatures.This adorable story is followed by a fun factivity section packed with craft projects, case studies and a quiz section at the back of the book, so you can put everything you have learnt about Little Lion and their family to the test.In the Really Wild Families series, based on the everyday adventures of wild animals, discover what the littlest members of the family get up to! Through their eyes we will explore the habitats, family dynamics and how they play, grow and survive as a family.
定價:659 元, 優惠價:79 521
Sunday: Dash Candoo and the Forbidden Island (Total Mayhem #7)
作者:Ralph Lazar; Lisa Swerling  出版社:Independently published  出版日:2022/11/17 裝訂:平裝
If the world of DASH CANDOO is new to you, fear not! All the books are stand-alone and can be read in any order."It was then that we heard a wailing sound. Sirens. Police sirens. And a LOT of them. Something serious had happened.”Something is amiss at the Botanical Gardens. Does it have anything to do with the mysterious helicopter landings on Norma Island? That place is STRICTLY OUT OF BOUNDS, which is why Dash and friends need to get there fast to investigate.Hilarious, action-filled, illustrated mystery stories, jam-packed with crazy stuff that makes kids laugh-out-loud. Dash’s adventures will appeal to the whole family. An unputdownable series from NYT Bestselling Ralph Lazar, starring Dash Candoo, an ingenious problem-solver, with fantastic friends and a bottomless backpack of brilliant gadgets.
定價:545 元, 優惠價:9 491
We'll Be Together Again
作者:Lucy Menzies; Maddy Vian  出版社:Frances Lincoln Publishers Ltd  出版日:2021/10/05 裝訂:精裝
Two books in one. Enjoy them on their own, then read them side-by-side to see the full story. Belle and Grandpa are the best of friends.But Mum says Grandpa Jack can't come to visit for a while, and everything is different. Belle lives with her family in the city. Grandpa Jack lives alone in the snowy mountains.Being apart is hard - they miss each other more than anything. When a teddy bear from Grandpa Jack arrives to keep Belle safe, it means the whole world to her. But Belle worries about her Grandpa.Will he be okay? And when will they be together again? Opening the book reveals two books inside: one that follows Belle in the city, and another that shows us Grandpa Jack in the snowy mountains. The beautifully illustrated stories can be read on their own as well as side-by-side. We'll Be Together Again is a unique reading experience and a heart-warming story for anyone who knows how it feels to be separated from their loved ones.
定價:714 元, 優惠價:79 564
My Day with the Panye
作者:Tami Charles  出版社:Walker Books Ltd  出版日:2021/06/03 裝訂:平裝
The panye means we are graceful when the load is heavy. We are strong, even when the earth is not. We are family, fed from love.Fallon is going to the market with Maman. She ties her hair in a sun-yel
定價:439 元, 優惠價:79 347
Only a Monster
作者:Vanessa Len  出版社:Harperteen  出版日:2022/02/22 裝訂:精裝
With the sweeping romance of Passenger and the dark fantasy edge of This Savage Song, this standout YA contemporary fantasy debut from Vanessa Len, the first in a planned trilogy, is utterly fresh and unique.Don’t forget the rule. No one can know what you are. What we are. You must never tell anyone about monsters.Joan has just learned the truth: her family are monsters, with terrifying, hidden powers.And the cute boy at work isn’t just a boy: he’s a legendary monster slayer, who will do anything to bring her family down.Joan will have to embrace her own monstrousness if she is to save herself, and her family. Because in this story…she is not the hero.Dive deep into the world of Only a Monster, where hidden worlds dwell in the shadows, beautiful monsters steal life from humans with just a touch, and secrets are the most powerful weapon of all.
定價:665 元, 優惠價:79 525
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